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# Tapable
``` javascript
var Tapable = require("tapable");
`Tapable` is a class for plugin binding and applying.
Just extend it.
``` javascript
function MyClass() {
MyClass.prototype = Object.create(Tapable.prototype);
MyClass.prototype.method = function() {};
Or mix it in.
``` javascript
function MyClass2() {
MyClass2.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype);
MyClass2.prototype.method = function() {};
## Public functions
### apply
``` javascript
void apply(plugins: Plugin...)
Attaches all plugins passed as arguments to the instance, by calling `apply` on them.
### plugin
``` javascript
void plugin(names: string|string[], handler: Function)
`names` are the names (or a single name) of the plugin interfaces the class provides.
`handler` is a callback function. The signature depends on the class. `this` is the instance of the class.
## Protected functions
### applyPlugins
``` javascript
void applyPlugins(name: string, args: any...)
Synchronously applies all registered handlers for `name`. The handler functions are called with all args.
### applyPluginsWaterfall
``` javascript
any applyPluginsWaterfall(name: string, init: any, args: any...)
Synchronously applies all registered handlers for `name`. The handler functions are called with the return value of the previous handler and all args. For the first handler `init` is used and the return value of the last handler is return by `applyPluginsWaterfall`
### applyPluginsAsync
``` javascript
void applyPluginsAsync(
name: string,
args: any...,
callback: (err?: Error) -> void
Asynchronously applies all registered handlers for `name`. The handler functions are called with all args and a callback function with the signature `(err?: Error) -> void`. The handler functions are called in order of registration.
`callback` is called after all handlers are called.
### applyPluginsBailResult
``` javascript
any applyPluginsBailResult(name: string, args: any...)
Synchronously applies all registered handlers for `name`. The handler function are called with all args. If a handler function returns something `!== undefined`, the value is returned and no more handlers are applied.
### applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall
``` javascript
name: string,
init: any,
callback: (err: Error, result: any) -> void
Asynchronously applies all registered handlers for `name`. The handler functions are called with the current value and a callback function with the signature `(err: Error, nextValue: any) -> void`. When called, `nextValue` is the current value for the next handler. The current value for the first handler is `init`. After all handlers are applied, `callback` is called with the last value. If any handler passes a value for `err`, the `callback` is called with this error and no more handlers are called.
### applyPluginsAsyncSeries
``` javascript
name: string,
args: any...,
callback: (err: Error, result: any) -> void
Asynchronously applies all registered handlers for `name`. The handler functions are called with all `args` and a callback function with the signature `(err: Error) -> void`. The handlers are called in series, one at a time. After all handlers are applied, `callback` is called. If any handler passes a value for `err`, the `callback` is called with this error and no more handlers are called.
### applyPluginsParallel
``` javascript
name: string,
args: any...,
callback: (err?: Error) -> void
Applies all registered handlers for `name` in parallel. The handler functions are called with all args and a callback function with the signature `(err?: Error) -> void`. The `callback` function is called when all handlers have called the callback without `err`. If any handler calls the callback with `err`, `callback` is invoked with this error and the other handlers are ignored.
### applyPluginsParallelBailResult
``` javascript
name: string,
args: any...,
callback: (err: Error, result: any) -> void
Applies all registered handlers for `name` in parallel. The handler functions are called with all args and a callback function with the signature `(err?: Error) -> void`. Handler functions must call the callback. They can either pass an error, pass undefined, or pass a value. The first result (either error or value) which is not undefined is passed to the `callback`. The order is defined by registration, not by the speed of the handler function.
### hasPlugins
``` js
name: string
Returns true, if plugins are registered for this name.