// TODO Draggable for group // FIXME Draggable on element which has parent rotation or scale function Draggable() { this.on('mousedown', this._dragStart, this); this.on('mousemove', this._drag, this); this.on('mouseup', this._dragEnd, this); // `mosuemove` and `mouseup` can be continue to fire when dragging. // See [Drag outside] in `Handler.js`. So we do not need to trigger // `_dragEnd` when globalout. That would brings better user experience. // this.on('globalout', this._dragEnd, this); // this._dropTarget = null; // this._draggingTarget = null; // this._x = 0; // this._y = 0; } Draggable.prototype = { constructor: Draggable, _dragStart: function (e) { var draggingTarget = e.target; // Find if there is draggable in the ancestor while (draggingTarget && !draggingTarget.draggable) { draggingTarget = draggingTarget.parent; } if (draggingTarget) { this._draggingTarget = draggingTarget; draggingTarget.dragging = true; this._x = e.offsetX; this._y = e.offsetY; this.dispatchToElement(param(draggingTarget, e), 'dragstart', e.event); } }, _drag: function (e) { var draggingTarget = this._draggingTarget; if (draggingTarget) { var x = e.offsetX; var y = e.offsetY; var dx = x - this._x; var dy = y - this._y; this._x = x; this._y = y; draggingTarget.drift(dx, dy, e); this.dispatchToElement(param(draggingTarget, e), 'drag', e.event); var dropTarget = this.findHover(x, y, draggingTarget).target; var lastDropTarget = this._dropTarget; this._dropTarget = dropTarget; if (draggingTarget !== dropTarget) { if (lastDropTarget && dropTarget !== lastDropTarget) { this.dispatchToElement(param(lastDropTarget, e), 'dragleave', e.event); } if (dropTarget && dropTarget !== lastDropTarget) { this.dispatchToElement(param(dropTarget, e), 'dragenter', e.event); } } } }, _dragEnd: function (e) { var draggingTarget = this._draggingTarget; if (draggingTarget) { draggingTarget.dragging = false; } this.dispatchToElement(param(draggingTarget, e), 'dragend', e.event); if (this._dropTarget) { this.dispatchToElement(param(this._dropTarget, e), 'drop', e.event); } this._draggingTarget = null; this._dropTarget = null; } }; function param(target, e) { return { target: target, topTarget: e && e.topTarget }; } var _default = Draggable; module.exports = _default;