/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const Tapable = require("tapable"); const asyncLib = require("async"); const MultiWatching = require("./MultiWatching"); const MultiStats = require("./MultiStats"); module.exports = class MultiCompiler extends Tapable { constructor(compilers) { super(); if(!Array.isArray(compilers)) { compilers = Object.keys(compilers).map((name) => { compilers[name].name = name; return compilers[name]; }); } this.compilers = compilers; let doneCompilers = 0; let compilerStats = []; this.compilers.forEach((compiler, idx) => { let compilerDone = false; compiler.plugin("done", stats => { if(!compilerDone) { compilerDone = true; doneCompilers++; } compilerStats[idx] = stats; if(doneCompilers === this.compilers.length) { this.applyPlugins("done", new MultiStats(compilerStats)); } }); compiler.plugin("invalid", () => { if(compilerDone) { compilerDone = false; doneCompilers--; } this.applyPlugins("invalid"); }); }, this); } get outputPath() { let commonPath = this.compilers[0].outputPath; for(const compiler of this.compilers) { while(compiler.outputPath.indexOf(commonPath) !== 0 && /[/\\]/.test(commonPath)) { commonPath = commonPath.replace(/[/\\][^/\\]*$/, ""); } } if(!commonPath && this.compilers[0].outputPath[0] === "/") return "/"; return commonPath; } get inputFileSystem() { throw new Error("Cannot read inputFileSystem of a MultiCompiler"); } get outputFileSystem() { throw new Error("Cannot read outputFileSystem of a MultiCompiler"); } set inputFileSystem(value) { this.compilers.forEach(compiler => { compiler.inputFileSystem = value; }); } set outputFileSystem(value) { this.compilers.forEach(compiler => { compiler.outputFileSystem = value; }); } runWithDependencies(compilers, fn, callback) { let fulfilledNames = {}; let remainingCompilers = compilers; const isDependencyFulfilled = (d) => fulfilledNames[d]; const getReadyCompilers = () => { let readyCompilers = []; let list = remainingCompilers; remainingCompilers = []; for(const c of list) { const ready = !c.dependencies || c.dependencies.every(isDependencyFulfilled); if(ready) readyCompilers.push(c); else remainingCompilers.push(c); } return readyCompilers; }; const runCompilers = (callback) => { if(remainingCompilers.length === 0) return callback(); asyncLib.map(getReadyCompilers(), (compiler, callback) => { fn(compiler, (err) => { if(err) return callback(err); fulfilledNames[compiler.name] = true; runCompilers(callback); }); }, callback); }; runCompilers(callback); } watch(watchOptions, handler) { let watchings = []; let allStats = this.compilers.map(() => null); let compilerStatus = this.compilers.map(() => false); this.runWithDependencies(this.compilers, (compiler, callback) => { const compilerIdx = this.compilers.indexOf(compiler); let firstRun = true; let watching = compiler.watch(Array.isArray(watchOptions) ? watchOptions[compilerIdx] : watchOptions, (err, stats) => { if(err) handler(err); if(stats) { allStats[compilerIdx] = stats; compilerStatus[compilerIdx] = "new"; if(compilerStatus.every(Boolean)) { const freshStats = allStats.filter((s, idx) => { return compilerStatus[idx] === "new"; }); compilerStatus.fill(true); const multiStats = new MultiStats(freshStats); handler(null, multiStats); } } if(firstRun && !err) { firstRun = false; callback(); } }); watchings.push(watching); }, () => { // ignore }); return new MultiWatching(watchings, this); } run(callback) { const allStats = this.compilers.map(() => null); this.runWithDependencies(this.compilers, ((compiler, callback) => { const compilerIdx = this.compilers.indexOf(compiler); compiler.run((err, stats) => { if(err) return callback(err); allStats[compilerIdx] = stats; callback(); }); }), (err) => { if(err) return callback(err); callback(null, new MultiStats(allStats)); }); } purgeInputFileSystem() { this.compilers.forEach((compiler) => { if(compiler.inputFileSystem && compiler.inputFileSystem.purge) compiler.inputFileSystem.purge(); }); } };