/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const ConcatSource = require("webpack-sources").ConcatSource; const OriginalSource = require("webpack-sources").OriginalSource; const PrefixSource = require("webpack-sources").PrefixSource; const Template = require("./Template"); // require function shortcuts: // __webpack_require__.s = the module id of the entry point // __webpack_require__.c = the module cache // __webpack_require__.m = the module functions // __webpack_require__.p = the bundle public path // __webpack_require__.i = the identity function used for harmony imports // __webpack_require__.e = the chunk ensure function // __webpack_require__.d = the exported propery define getter function // __webpack_require__.o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call // __webpack_require__.n = compatibility get default export // __webpack_require__.h = the webpack hash // __webpack_require__.oe = the uncatched error handler for the webpack runtime // __webpack_require__.nc = the script nonce module.exports = class MainTemplate extends Template { constructor(outputOptions) { super(outputOptions); this.plugin("startup", (source, chunk, hash) => { const buf = []; if(chunk.entryModule) { buf.push("// Load entry module and return exports"); buf.push(`return ${this.renderRequireFunctionForModule(hash, chunk, JSON.stringify(chunk.entryModule.id))}(${this.requireFn}.s = ${JSON.stringify(chunk.entryModule.id)});`); } return this.asString(buf); }); this.plugin("render", (bootstrapSource, chunk, hash, moduleTemplate, dependencyTemplates) => { const source = new ConcatSource(); source.add("/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap\n"); source.add(new PrefixSource("/******/", bootstrapSource)); source.add("/******/ })\n"); source.add("/************************************************************************/\n"); source.add("/******/ ("); const modules = this.renderChunkModules(chunk, moduleTemplate, dependencyTemplates, "/******/ "); source.add(this.applyPluginsWaterfall("modules", modules, chunk, hash, moduleTemplate, dependencyTemplates)); source.add(")"); return source; }); this.plugin("local-vars", (source, chunk, hash) => { return this.asString([ source, "// The module cache", "var installedModules = {};" ]); }); this.plugin("require", (source, chunk, hash) => { return this.asString([ source, "// Check if module is in cache", "if(installedModules[moduleId]) {", this.indent("return installedModules[moduleId].exports;"), "}", "// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)", "var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {", this.indent(this.applyPluginsWaterfall("module-obj", "", chunk, hash, "moduleId")), "};", "", this.asString(outputOptions.strictModuleExceptionHandling ? [ "// Execute the module function", "var threw = true;", "try {", this.indent([ `modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, ${this.renderRequireFunctionForModule(hash, chunk, "moduleId")});`, "threw = false;" ]), "} finally {", this.indent([ "if(threw) delete installedModules[moduleId];" ]), "}" ] : [ "// Execute the module function", `modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, ${this.renderRequireFunctionForModule(hash, chunk, "moduleId")});`, ]), "", "// Flag the module as loaded", "module.l = true;", "", "// Return the exports of the module", "return module.exports;" ]); }); this.plugin("module-obj", (source, chunk, hash, varModuleId) => { return this.asString([ "i: moduleId,", "l: false,", "exports: {}" ]); }); this.plugin("require-extensions", (source, chunk, hash) => { const buf = []; const chunkMaps = chunk.getChunkMaps(); // Check if there are non initial chunks which need to be imported using require-ensure if(Object.keys(chunkMaps.hash).length) { buf.push("// This file contains only the entry chunk."); buf.push("// The chunk loading function for additional chunks"); buf.push(`${this.requireFn}.e = function requireEnsure(chunkId) {`); buf.push(this.indent(this.applyPluginsWaterfall("require-ensure", "throw new Error('Not chunk loading available');", chunk, hash, "chunkId"))); buf.push("};"); } buf.push(""); buf.push("// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)"); buf.push(`${this.requireFn}.m = modules;`); buf.push(""); buf.push("// expose the module cache"); buf.push(`${this.requireFn}.c = installedModules;`); buf.push(""); buf.push("// define getter function for harmony exports"); buf.push(`${this.requireFn}.d = function(exports, name, getter) {`); buf.push(this.indent([ `if(!${this.requireFn}.o(exports, name)) {`, this.indent([ "Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {", this.indent([ "configurable: false,", "enumerable: true,", "get: getter" ]), "});" ]), "}" ])); buf.push("};"); buf.push(""); buf.push("// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules"); buf.push(this.requireFn + ".n = function(module) {"); buf.push(this.indent([ "var getter = module && module.__esModule ?", this.indent([ "function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :", "function getModuleExports() { return module; };" ]), `${this.requireFn}.d(getter, 'a', getter);`, "return getter;" ])); buf.push("};"); buf.push(""); buf.push("// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call"); buf.push(`${this.requireFn}.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };`); const publicPath = this.getPublicPath({ hash: hash }); buf.push(""); buf.push("// __webpack_public_path__"); buf.push(`${this.requireFn}.p = ${JSON.stringify(publicPath)};`); return this.asString(buf); }); this.requireFn = "__webpack_require__"; } render(hash, chunk, moduleTemplate, dependencyTemplates) { const buf = []; buf.push(this.applyPluginsWaterfall("bootstrap", "", chunk, hash, moduleTemplate, dependencyTemplates)); buf.push(this.applyPluginsWaterfall("local-vars", "", chunk, hash)); buf.push(""); buf.push("// The require function"); buf.push(`function ${this.requireFn}(moduleId) {`); buf.push(this.indent(this.applyPluginsWaterfall("require", "", chunk, hash))); buf.push("}"); buf.push(""); buf.push(this.asString(this.applyPluginsWaterfall("require-extensions", "", chunk, hash))); buf.push(""); buf.push(this.asString(this.applyPluginsWaterfall("startup", "", chunk, hash))); let source = this.applyPluginsWaterfall("render", new OriginalSource(this.prefix(buf, " \t") + "\n", `webpack/bootstrap ${hash}`), chunk, hash, moduleTemplate, dependencyTemplates); if(chunk.hasEntryModule()) { source = this.applyPluginsWaterfall("render-with-entry", source, chunk, hash); } if(!source) throw new Error("Compiler error: MainTemplate plugin 'render' should return something"); chunk.rendered = true; return new ConcatSource(source, ";"); } renderRequireFunctionForModule(hash, chunk, varModuleId) { return this.applyPluginsWaterfall("module-require", this.requireFn, chunk, hash, varModuleId); } renderAddModule(hash, chunk, varModuleId, varModule) { return this.applyPluginsWaterfall("add-module", `modules[${varModuleId}] = ${varModule};`, chunk, hash, varModuleId, varModule); } renderCurrentHashCode(hash, length) { length = length || Infinity; return this.applyPluginsWaterfall("current-hash", JSON.stringify(hash.substr(0, length)), length); } entryPointInChildren(chunk) { const checkChildren = (chunk, alreadyCheckedChunks) => { return chunk.chunks.some((child) => { if(alreadyCheckedChunks.indexOf(child) >= 0) return; alreadyCheckedChunks.push(child); return child.hasEntryModule() || checkChildren(child, alreadyCheckedChunks); }); }; return checkChildren(chunk, []); } getPublicPath(options) { return this.applyPluginsWaterfall("asset-path", this.outputOptions.publicPath || "", options); } updateHash(hash) { hash.update("maintemplate"); hash.update("3"); hash.update(this.outputOptions.publicPath + ""); this.applyPlugins("hash", hash); } updateHashForChunk(hash, chunk) { this.updateHash(hash); this.applyPlugins("hash-for-chunk", hash, chunk); } useChunkHash(chunk) { const paths = this.applyPluginsWaterfall("global-hash-paths", []); return !this.applyPluginsBailResult("global-hash", chunk, paths); } };