/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const asyncLib = require("async"); const crypto = require("crypto"); const Tapable = require("tapable"); const EntryModuleNotFoundError = require("./EntryModuleNotFoundError"); const ModuleNotFoundError = require("./ModuleNotFoundError"); const ModuleDependencyWarning = require("./ModuleDependencyWarning"); const ModuleDependencyError = require("./ModuleDependencyError"); const Module = require("./Module"); const Chunk = require("./Chunk"); const Entrypoint = require("./Entrypoint"); const MainTemplate = require("./MainTemplate"); const ChunkTemplate = require("./ChunkTemplate"); const HotUpdateChunkTemplate = require("./HotUpdateChunkTemplate"); const ModuleTemplate = require("./ModuleTemplate"); const Dependency = require("./Dependency"); const ChunkRenderError = require("./ChunkRenderError"); const AsyncDependencyToInitialChunkWarning = require("./AsyncDependencyToInitialChunkWarning"); const CachedSource = require("webpack-sources").CachedSource; const Stats = require("./Stats"); const Semaphore = require("./util/Semaphore"); const Queue = require("./util/Queue"); function byId(a, b) { if(a.id < b.id) return -1; if(a.id > b.id) return 1; return 0; } function byIndex(a, b) { if(a.index < b.index) return -1; if(a.index > b.index) return 1; return 0; } function iterationBlockVariable(variables, fn) { for(let indexVariable = 0; indexVariable < variables.length; indexVariable++) { const varDep = variables[indexVariable].dependencies; for(let indexVDep = 0; indexVDep < varDep.length; indexVDep++) { fn(varDep[indexVDep]); } } } function iterationOfArrayCallback(arr, fn) { for(let index = 0; index < arr.length; index++) { fn(arr[index]); } } class Compilation extends Tapable { constructor(compiler) { super(); this.compiler = compiler; this.resolvers = compiler.resolvers; this.inputFileSystem = compiler.inputFileSystem; const options = this.options = compiler.options; this.outputOptions = options && options.output; this.bail = options && options.bail; this.profile = options && options.profile; this.performance = options && options.performance; this.mainTemplate = new MainTemplate(this.outputOptions); this.chunkTemplate = new ChunkTemplate(this.outputOptions); this.hotUpdateChunkTemplate = new HotUpdateChunkTemplate(this.outputOptions); this.moduleTemplate = new ModuleTemplate(this.outputOptions); this.semaphore = new Semaphore(options.parallelism || 100); this.entries = []; this.preparedChunks = []; this.entrypoints = {}; this.chunks = []; this.namedChunks = {}; this.modules = []; this._modules = {}; this.cache = null; this.records = null; this.nextFreeModuleIndex = undefined; this.nextFreeModuleIndex2 = undefined; this.additionalChunkAssets = []; this.assets = {}; this.errors = []; this.warnings = []; this.children = []; this.dependencyFactories = new Map(); this.dependencyTemplates = new Map(); this.dependencyTemplates.set("hash", ""); this.childrenCounters = {}; } getStats() { return new Stats(this); } templatesPlugin(name, fn) { this.mainTemplate.plugin(name, fn); this.chunkTemplate.plugin(name, fn); } addModule(module, cacheGroup) { const identifier = module.identifier(); if(this._modules[identifier]) { return false; } const cacheName = (cacheGroup || "m") + identifier; if(this.cache && this.cache[cacheName]) { const cacheModule = this.cache[cacheName]; let rebuild = true; if(!cacheModule.error && cacheModule.cacheable && this.fileTimestamps && this.contextTimestamps) { rebuild = cacheModule.needRebuild(this.fileTimestamps, this.contextTimestamps); } if(!rebuild) { cacheModule.disconnect(); this._modules[identifier] = cacheModule; this.modules.push(cacheModule); cacheModule.errors.forEach(err => this.errors.push(err)); cacheModule.warnings.forEach(err => this.warnings.push(err)); return cacheModule; } } module.unbuild(); this._modules[identifier] = module; if(this.cache) { this.cache[cacheName] = module; } this.modules.push(module); return true; } getModule(module) { const identifier = module.identifier(); return this._modules[identifier]; } findModule(identifier) { return this._modules[identifier]; } buildModule(module, optional, origin, dependencies, thisCallback) { this.applyPlugins1("build-module", module); if(module.building) return module.building.push(thisCallback); const building = module.building = [thisCallback]; function callback(err) { module.building = undefined; building.forEach(cb => cb(err)); } module.build(this.options, this, this.resolvers.normal, this.inputFileSystem, (error) => { const errors = module.errors; for(let indexError = 0; indexError < errors.length; indexError++) { const err = errors[indexError]; err.origin = origin; err.dependencies = dependencies; if(optional) this.warnings.push(err); else this.errors.push(err); } const warnings = module.warnings; for(let indexWarning = 0; indexWarning < warnings.length; indexWarning++) { const war = warnings[indexWarning]; war.origin = origin; war.dependencies = dependencies; this.warnings.push(war); } module.dependencies.sort(Dependency.compare); if(error) { this.applyPlugins2("failed-module", module, error); return callback(error); } this.applyPlugins1("succeed-module", module); return callback(); }); } processModuleDependencies(module, callback) { const dependencies = []; function addDependency(dep) { for(let i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { if(dep.isEqualResource(dependencies[i][0])) { return dependencies[i].push(dep); } } dependencies.push([dep]); } function addDependenciesBlock(block) { if(block.dependencies) { iterationOfArrayCallback(block.dependencies, addDependency); } if(block.blocks) { iterationOfArrayCallback(block.blocks, addDependenciesBlock); } if(block.variables) { iterationBlockVariable(block.variables, addDependency); } } addDependenciesBlock(module); this.addModuleDependencies(module, dependencies, this.bail, null, true, callback); } addModuleDependencies(module, dependencies, bail, cacheGroup, recursive, callback) { let _this = this; const start = _this.profile && Date.now(); const factories = []; for(let i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { const factory = _this.dependencyFactories.get(dependencies[i][0].constructor); if(!factory) { return callback(new Error(`No module factory available for dependency type: ${dependencies[i][0].constructor.name}`)); } factories[i] = [factory, dependencies[i]]; } asyncLib.forEach(factories, function iteratorFactory(item, callback) { const dependencies = item[1]; const errorAndCallback = function errorAndCallback(err) { err.origin = module; _this.errors.push(err); if(bail) { callback(err); } else { callback(); } }; const warningAndCallback = function warningAndCallback(err) { err.origin = module; _this.warnings.push(err); callback(); }; const semaphore = _this.semaphore; semaphore.acquire(() => { if(_this === null) return semaphore.release(); const factory = item[0]; factory.create({ contextInfo: { issuer: module.nameForCondition && module.nameForCondition(), compiler: _this.compiler.name }, context: module.context, dependencies: dependencies }, function factoryCallback(err, dependentModule) { if(_this === null) return semaphore.release(); let afterFactory; function isOptional() { return dependencies.filter(d => !d.optional).length === 0; } function errorOrWarningAndCallback(err) { if(isOptional()) { return warningAndCallback(err); } else { return errorAndCallback(err); } } function iterationDependencies(depend) { for(let index = 0; index < depend.length; index++) { const dep = depend[index]; dep.module = dependentModule; dependentModule.addReason(module, dep); } } if(err) { semaphore.release(); return errorOrWarningAndCallback(new ModuleNotFoundError(module, err, dependencies)); } if(!dependentModule) { semaphore.release(); return process.nextTick(callback); } if(_this.profile) { if(!dependentModule.profile) { dependentModule.profile = {}; } afterFactory = Date.now(); dependentModule.profile.factory = afterFactory - start; } dependentModule.issuer = module; const newModule = _this.addModule(dependentModule, cacheGroup); if(!newModule) { // from cache dependentModule = _this.getModule(dependentModule); if(dependentModule.optional) { dependentModule.optional = isOptional(); } iterationDependencies(dependencies); if(_this.profile) { module.profile = module.profile || {}; const time = Date.now() - start; if(!module.profile.dependencies || time > module.profile.dependencies) { module.profile.dependencies = time; } } semaphore.release(); return process.nextTick(callback); } if(newModule instanceof Module) { if(_this.profile) { newModule.profile = dependentModule.profile; } newModule.optional = isOptional(); newModule.issuer = dependentModule.issuer; dependentModule = newModule; iterationDependencies(dependencies); if(_this.profile) { const afterBuilding = Date.now(); module.profile.building = afterBuilding - afterFactory; } semaphore.release(); if(recursive) { return process.nextTick(_this.processModuleDependencies.bind(_this, dependentModule, callback)); } else { return process.nextTick(callback); } } dependentModule.optional = isOptional(); iterationDependencies(dependencies); _this.buildModule(dependentModule, isOptional(), module, dependencies, err => { if(_this === null) return semaphore.release(); if(err) { semaphore.release(); return errorOrWarningAndCallback(err); } if(_this.profile) { const afterBuilding = Date.now(); dependentModule.profile.building = afterBuilding - afterFactory; } semaphore.release(); if(recursive) { _this.processModuleDependencies(dependentModule, callback); } else { return callback(); } }); }); }); }, function finalCallbackAddModuleDependencies(err) { // In V8, the Error objects keep a reference to the functions on the stack. These warnings & // errors are created inside closures that keep a reference to the Compilation, so errors are // leaking the Compilation object. Setting _this to null workarounds the following issue in V8. // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=612191 _this = null; if(err) { return callback(err); } return process.nextTick(callback); }); } _addModuleChain(context, dependency, onModule, callback) { const start = this.profile && Date.now(); const errorAndCallback = this.bail ? (err) => { callback(err); } : (err) => { err.dependencies = [dependency]; this.errors.push(err); callback(); }; if(typeof dependency !== "object" || dependency === null || !dependency.constructor) { throw new Error("Parameter 'dependency' must be a Dependency"); } const moduleFactory = this.dependencyFactories.get(dependency.constructor); if(!moduleFactory) { throw new Error(`No dependency factory available for this dependency type: ${dependency.constructor.name}`); } this.semaphore.acquire(() => { moduleFactory.create({ contextInfo: { issuer: "", compiler: this.compiler.name }, context: context, dependencies: [dependency] }, (err, module) => { if(err) { this.semaphore.release(); return errorAndCallback(new EntryModuleNotFoundError(err)); } let afterFactory; if(this.profile) { if(!module.profile) { module.profile = {}; } afterFactory = Date.now(); module.profile.factory = afterFactory - start; } const result = this.addModule(module); if(!result) { module = this.getModule(module); onModule(module); if(this.profile) { const afterBuilding = Date.now(); module.profile.building = afterBuilding - afterFactory; } this.semaphore.release(); return callback(null, module); } if(result instanceof Module) { if(this.profile) { result.profile = module.profile; } module = result; onModule(module); moduleReady.call(this); return; } onModule(module); this.buildModule(module, false, null, null, (err) => { if(err) { this.semaphore.release(); return errorAndCallback(err); } if(this.profile) { const afterBuilding = Date.now(); module.profile.building = afterBuilding - afterFactory; } moduleReady.call(this); }); function moduleReady() { this.semaphore.release(); this.processModuleDependencies(module, err => { if(err) { return callback(err); } return callback(null, module); }); } }); }); } addEntry(context, entry, name, callback) { const slot = { name: name, module: null }; this.preparedChunks.push(slot); this._addModuleChain(context, entry, (module) => { entry.module = module; this.entries.push(module); module.issuer = null; }, (err, module) => { if(err) { return callback(err); } if(module) { slot.module = module; } else { const idx = this.preparedChunks.indexOf(slot); this.preparedChunks.splice(idx, 1); } return callback(null, module); }); } prefetch(context, dependency, callback) { this._addModuleChain(context, dependency, module => { module.prefetched = true; module.issuer = null; }, callback); } rebuildModule(module, thisCallback) { if(module.variables.length || module.blocks.length) throw new Error("Cannot rebuild a complex module with variables or blocks"); if(module.rebuilding) { return module.rebuilding.push(thisCallback); } const rebuilding = module.rebuilding = [thisCallback]; function callback(err) { module.rebuilding = undefined; rebuilding.forEach(cb => cb(err)); } const deps = module.dependencies.slice(); this.buildModule(module, false, module, null, (err) => { if(err) return callback(err); this.processModuleDependencies(module, (err) => { if(err) return callback(err); deps.forEach(d => { if(d.module && d.module.removeReason(module, d)) { module.forEachChunk(chunk => { if(!d.module.hasReasonForChunk(chunk)) { if(d.module.removeChunk(chunk)) { this.removeChunkFromDependencies(d.module, chunk); } } }); } }); callback(); }); }); } finish() { const modules = this.modules; this.applyPlugins1("finish-modules", modules); for(let index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { const module = modules[index]; this.reportDependencyErrorsAndWarnings(module, [module]); } } unseal() { this.applyPlugins0("unseal"); this.chunks.length = 0; this.namedChunks = {}; this.additionalChunkAssets.length = 0; this.assets = {}; this.modules.forEach(module => module.unseal()); } seal(callback) { this.applyPlugins0("seal"); this.nextFreeModuleIndex = 0; this.nextFreeModuleIndex2 = 0; this.preparedChunks.forEach(preparedChunk => { const module = preparedChunk.module; const chunk = this.addChunk(preparedChunk.name, module); const entrypoint = this.entrypoints[chunk.name] = new Entrypoint(chunk.name); entrypoint.unshiftChunk(chunk); chunk.addModule(module); module.addChunk(chunk); chunk.entryModule = module; this.assignIndex(module); this.assignDepth(module); }); this.processDependenciesBlocksForChunks(this.chunks.slice()); this.sortModules(this.modules); this.applyPlugins0("optimize"); while(this.applyPluginsBailResult1("optimize-modules-basic", this.modules) || this.applyPluginsBailResult1("optimize-modules", this.modules) || this.applyPluginsBailResult1("optimize-modules-advanced", this.modules)) { /* empty */ } this.applyPlugins1("after-optimize-modules", this.modules); while(this.applyPluginsBailResult1("optimize-chunks-basic", this.chunks) || this.applyPluginsBailResult1("optimize-chunks", this.chunks) || this.applyPluginsBailResult1("optimize-chunks-advanced", this.chunks)) { /* empty */ } this.applyPlugins1("after-optimize-chunks", this.chunks); this.applyPluginsAsyncSeries("optimize-tree", this.chunks, this.modules, (err) => { if(err) { return callback(err); } this.applyPlugins2("after-optimize-tree", this.chunks, this.modules); while(this.applyPluginsBailResult("optimize-chunk-modules-basic", this.chunks, this.modules) || this.applyPluginsBailResult("optimize-chunk-modules", this.chunks, this.modules) || this.applyPluginsBailResult("optimize-chunk-modules-advanced", this.chunks, this.modules)) { /* empty */ } this.applyPlugins2("after-optimize-chunk-modules", this.chunks, this.modules); const shouldRecord = this.applyPluginsBailResult("should-record") !== false; this.applyPlugins2("revive-modules", this.modules, this.records); this.applyPlugins1("optimize-module-order", this.modules); this.applyPlugins1("advanced-optimize-module-order", this.modules); this.applyPlugins1("before-module-ids", this.modules); this.applyPlugins1("module-ids", this.modules); this.applyModuleIds(); this.applyPlugins1("optimize-module-ids", this.modules); this.applyPlugins1("after-optimize-module-ids", this.modules); this.sortItemsWithModuleIds(); this.applyPlugins2("revive-chunks", this.chunks, this.records); this.applyPlugins1("optimize-chunk-order", this.chunks); this.applyPlugins1("before-chunk-ids", this.chunks); this.applyChunkIds(); this.applyPlugins1("optimize-chunk-ids", this.chunks); this.applyPlugins1("after-optimize-chunk-ids", this.chunks); this.sortItemsWithChunkIds(); if(shouldRecord) this.applyPlugins2("record-modules", this.modules, this.records); if(shouldRecord) this.applyPlugins2("record-chunks", this.chunks, this.records); this.applyPlugins0("before-hash"); this.createHash(); this.applyPlugins0("after-hash"); if(shouldRecord) this.applyPlugins1("record-hash", this.records); this.applyPlugins0("before-module-assets"); this.createModuleAssets(); if(this.applyPluginsBailResult("should-generate-chunk-assets") !== false) { this.applyPlugins0("before-chunk-assets"); this.createChunkAssets(); } this.applyPlugins1("additional-chunk-assets", this.chunks); this.summarizeDependencies(); if(shouldRecord) this.applyPlugins2("record", this, this.records); this.applyPluginsAsync("additional-assets", err => { if(err) { return callback(err); } this.applyPluginsAsync("optimize-chunk-assets", this.chunks, err => { if(err) { return callback(err); } this.applyPlugins1("after-optimize-chunk-assets", this.chunks); this.applyPluginsAsync("optimize-assets", this.assets, err => { if(err) { return callback(err); } this.applyPlugins1("after-optimize-assets", this.assets); if(this.applyPluginsBailResult("need-additional-seal")) { this.unseal(); return this.seal(callback); } return this.applyPluginsAsync("after-seal", callback); }); }); }); }); } sortModules(modules) { modules.sort(byIndex); } reportDependencyErrorsAndWarnings(module, blocks) { for(let indexBlock = 0; indexBlock < blocks.length; indexBlock++) { const block = blocks[indexBlock]; const dependencies = block.dependencies; for(let indexDep = 0; indexDep < dependencies.length; indexDep++) { const d = dependencies[indexDep]; const warnings = d.getWarnings(); if(warnings) { for(let indexWar = 0; indexWar < warnings.length; indexWar++) { const w = warnings[indexWar]; const warning = new ModuleDependencyWarning(module, w, d.loc); this.warnings.push(warning); } } const errors = d.getErrors(); if(errors) { for(let indexErr = 0; indexErr < errors.length; indexErr++) { const e = errors[indexErr]; const error = new ModuleDependencyError(module, e, d.loc); this.errors.push(error); } } } this.reportDependencyErrorsAndWarnings(module, block.blocks); } } addChunk(name, module, loc) { if(name) { if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.namedChunks, name)) { const chunk = this.namedChunks[name]; if(module) { chunk.addOrigin(module, loc); } return chunk; } } const chunk = new Chunk(name, module, loc); this.chunks.push(chunk); if(name) { this.namedChunks[name] = chunk; } return chunk; } assignIndex(module) { const _this = this; const queue = [() => { assignIndexToModule(module); }]; const iteratorAllDependencies = d => { queue.push(() => assignIndexToDependency(d)); }; function assignIndexToModule(module) { // enter module if(typeof module.index !== "number") { module.index = _this.nextFreeModuleIndex++; // leave module queue.push(() => module.index2 = _this.nextFreeModuleIndex2++); // enter it as block assignIndexToDependencyBlock(module); } } function assignIndexToDependency(dependency) { if(dependency.module) { queue.push(() => assignIndexToModule(dependency.module)); } } function assignIndexToDependencyBlock(block) { let allDependencies = []; function iteratorDependency(d) { allDependencies.push(d); } function iteratorBlock(b) { queue.push(() => assignIndexToDependencyBlock(b)); } if(block.variables) { iterationBlockVariable(block.variables, iteratorDependency); } if(block.dependencies) { iterationOfArrayCallback(block.dependencies, iteratorDependency); } if(block.blocks) { const blocks = block.blocks; let indexBlock = blocks.length; while(indexBlock--) { iteratorBlock(blocks[indexBlock]); } } let indexAll = allDependencies.length; while(indexAll--) { iteratorAllDependencies(allDependencies[indexAll]); } } while(queue.length) { queue.pop()(); } } assignDepth(module) { function assignDepthToModule(module, depth) { // enter module if(typeof module.depth === "number" && module.depth <= depth) return; module.depth = depth; // enter it as block assignDepthToDependencyBlock(module, depth + 1); } function assignDepthToDependency(dependency, depth) { if(dependency.module) { queue.push(() => assignDepthToModule(dependency.module, depth)); } } function assignDepthToDependencyBlock(block, depth) { function iteratorDependency(d) { assignDepthToDependency(d, depth); } function iteratorBlock(b) { assignDepthToDependencyBlock(b, depth); } if(block.variables) { iterationBlockVariable(block.variables, iteratorDependency); } if(block.dependencies) { iterationOfArrayCallback(block.dependencies, iteratorDependency); } if(block.blocks) { iterationOfArrayCallback(block.blocks, iteratorBlock); } } const queue = [() => { assignDepthToModule(module, 0); }]; while(queue.length) { queue.pop()(); } } // This method creates the Chunk graph from the Module graph processDependenciesBlocksForChunks(inputChunks) { // Process is splitting into two parts: // Part one traverse the module graph and builds a very basic chunks graph // in chunkDependencies. // Part two traverse every possible way through the basic chunk graph and // tracks the available modules. While traversing it connects chunks with // eachother and Blocks with Chunks. It stops traversing when all modules // for a chunk are already available. So it doesn't connect unneeded chunks. const chunkDependencies = new Map(); // Map> const allCreatedChunks = new Set(); // PART ONE const blockChunks = new Map(); // Start with the provided modules/chunks const queue = inputChunks.map(chunk => ({ block: chunk.entryModule, chunk: chunk })); let block, chunk; // For each async Block in graph const iteratorBlock = b => { // 1. We create a chunk for this Block // but only once (blockChunks map) let c = blockChunks.get(b); if(c === undefined) { c = this.namedChunks[b.chunkName]; if(c && c.isInitial()) { // TODO webpack 4: convert this to an error this.warnings.push(new AsyncDependencyToInitialChunkWarning(b.chunkName, b.module, b.loc)); c = chunk; } else { c = this.addChunk(b.chunkName, b.module, b.loc); blockChunks.set(b, c); allCreatedChunks.add(c); // We initialize the chunks property // this is later filled with the chunk when needed b.chunks = []; } } // 2. We store the Block+Chunk mapping as dependency for the chunk let deps = chunkDependencies.get(chunk); if(!deps) chunkDependencies.set(chunk, deps = []); deps.push({ block: b, chunk: c }); // 3. We enqueue the DependenciesBlock for traversal queue.push({ block: b, chunk: c }); }; // For each Dependency in the graph const iteratorDependency = d => { // We skip Dependencies without Module pointer if(!d.module) { return; } // We skip weak Dependencies if(d.weak) { return; } // We connect Module and Chunk when not already done if(chunk.addModule(d.module)) { d.module.addChunk(chunk); // And enqueue the Module for traversal queue.push({ block: d.module, chunk }); } }; // Iterative traversal of the Module graph // Recursive would be simpler to write but could result in Stack Overflows while(queue.length) { const queueItem = queue.pop(); block = queueItem.block; chunk = queueItem.chunk; // Traverse all variables, Dependencies and Blocks if(block.variables) { iterationBlockVariable(block.variables, iteratorDependency); } if(block.dependencies) { iterationOfArrayCallback(block.dependencies, iteratorDependency); } if(block.blocks) { iterationOfArrayCallback(block.blocks, iteratorBlock); } } // PART TWO let availableModules; let newAvailableModules; const queue2 = new Queue(inputChunks.map(chunk => ({ chunk, availableModules: new Set() }))); // Helper function to check if all modules of a chunk are available const areModulesAvailable = (chunk, availableModules) => { for(const module of chunk.modulesIterable) { if(!availableModules.has(module)) return false; } return true; }; // For each edge in the basic chunk graph const filterFn = dep => { // Filter egdes that are not needed because all modules are already available // This also filters circular dependencies in the chunks graph const depChunk = dep.chunk; if(areModulesAvailable(depChunk, newAvailableModules)) return false; // break all modules are already available return true; }; const minAvailableModulesMap = new Map(); // Iterative traversing of the basic chunk graph while(queue2.length) { const queueItem = queue2.dequeue(); chunk = queueItem.chunk; availableModules = queueItem.availableModules; // 1. Get minimal available modules // It doesn't make sense to traverse a chunk again with more available modules. // This step calculates the minimal available modules and skips traversal when // the list didn't shrink. let minAvailableModules = minAvailableModulesMap.get(chunk); if(minAvailableModules === undefined) { minAvailableModulesMap.set(chunk, new Set(availableModules)); } else { let deletedModules = false; for(const m of minAvailableModules) { if(!availableModules.has(m)) { minAvailableModules.delete(m); deletedModules = true; } } if(!deletedModules) continue; availableModules = minAvailableModules; } // 2. Get the edges at this point of the graph const deps = chunkDependencies.get(chunk); if(!deps) continue; if(deps.length === 0) continue; // 3. Create a new Set of available modules at this points newAvailableModules = new Set(availableModules); for(const m of chunk.modulesIterable) newAvailableModules.add(m); // 4. Filter edges with available modules const filteredDeps = deps.filter(filterFn); // 5. Foreach remaining edge const nextChunks = new Set(); for(let i = 0; i < filteredDeps.length; i++) { const dep = filteredDeps[i]; const depChunk = dep.chunk; const depBlock = dep.block; // 6. Connnect block with chunk if(depChunk.addBlock(depBlock)) { depBlock.chunks.push(depChunk); } // 7. Connect chunk with parent if(chunk.addChunk(depChunk)) { depChunk.addParent(chunk); } nextChunks.add(depChunk); } // 8. Enqueue further traversal for(const nextChunk of nextChunks) { queue2.enqueue({ chunk: nextChunk, availableModules: newAvailableModules }); } } // Remove all unconnected chunks for(const chunk of allCreatedChunks) { if(chunk.parents.length === 0) chunk.remove("unconnected"); } } removeChunkFromDependencies(block, chunk) { const iteratorDependency = d => { if(!d.module) { return; } if(!d.module.hasReasonForChunk(chunk)) { if(d.module.removeChunk(chunk)) { this.removeChunkFromDependencies(d.module, chunk); } } }; const blocks = block.blocks; for(let indexBlock = 0; indexBlock < blocks.length; indexBlock++) { const chunks = blocks[indexBlock].chunks; for(let indexChunk = 0; indexChunk < chunks.length; indexChunk++) { const blockChunk = chunks[indexChunk]; chunk.removeChunk(blockChunk); blockChunk.removeParent(chunk); this.removeChunkFromDependencies(chunks, blockChunk); } } if(block.dependencies) { iterationOfArrayCallback(block.dependencies, iteratorDependency); } if(block.variables) { iterationBlockVariable(block.variables, iteratorDependency); } } applyModuleIds() { const unusedIds = []; let nextFreeModuleId = 0; const usedIds = []; // TODO consider Map when performance has improved https://gist.github.com/sokra/234c077e1299b7369461f1708519c392 const usedIdMap = Object.create(null); if(this.usedModuleIds) { Object.keys(this.usedModuleIds).forEach(key => { const id = this.usedModuleIds[key]; if(!usedIdMap[id]) { usedIds.push(id); usedIdMap[id] = true; } }); } const modules1 = this.modules; for(let indexModule1 = 0; indexModule1 < modules1.length; indexModule1++) { const module1 = modules1[indexModule1]; if(module1.id && !usedIdMap[module1.id]) { usedIds.push(module1.id); usedIdMap[module1.id] = true; } } if(usedIds.length > 0) { let usedIdMax = -1; for(let index = 0; index < usedIds.length; index++) { const usedIdKey = usedIds[index]; if(typeof usedIdKey !== "number") { continue; } usedIdMax = Math.max(usedIdMax, usedIdKey); } let lengthFreeModules = nextFreeModuleId = usedIdMax + 1; while(lengthFreeModules--) { if(!usedIdMap[lengthFreeModules]) { unusedIds.push(lengthFreeModules); } } } const modules2 = this.modules; for(let indexModule2 = 0; indexModule2 < modules2.length; indexModule2++) { const module2 = modules2[indexModule2]; if(module2.id === null) { if(unusedIds.length > 0) module2.id = unusedIds.pop(); else module2.id = nextFreeModuleId++; } } } applyChunkIds() { const unusedIds = []; let nextFreeChunkId = 0; function getNextFreeChunkId(usedChunkIds) { const keyChunks = Object.keys(usedChunkIds); let result = -1; for(let index = 0; index < keyChunks.length; index++) { const usedIdKey = keyChunks[index]; const usedIdValue = usedChunkIds[usedIdKey]; if(typeof usedIdValue !== "number") { continue; } result = Math.max(result, usedIdValue); } return result; } if(this.usedChunkIds) { nextFreeChunkId = getNextFreeChunkId(this.usedChunkIds) + 1; let index = nextFreeChunkId; while(index--) { if(this.usedChunkIds[index] !== index) { unusedIds.push(index); } } } const chunks = this.chunks; for(let indexChunk = 0; indexChunk < chunks.length; indexChunk++) { const chunk = chunks[indexChunk]; if(chunk.id === null) { if(unusedIds.length > 0) chunk.id = unusedIds.pop(); else chunk.id = nextFreeChunkId++; } if(!chunk.ids) { chunk.ids = [chunk.id]; } } } sortItemsWithModuleIds() { this.modules.sort(byId); const modules = this.modules; for(let indexModule = 0; indexModule < modules.length; indexModule++) { modules[indexModule].sortItems(false); } const chunks = this.chunks; for(let indexChunk = 0; indexChunk < chunks.length; indexChunk++) { chunks[indexChunk].sortItems(); } } sortItemsWithChunkIds() { this.chunks.sort(byId); for(let indexModule = 0; indexModule < this.modules.length; indexModule++) { this.modules[indexModule].sortItems(true); } for(let indexChunk = 0; indexChunk < this.chunks.length; indexChunk++) { this.chunks[indexChunk].sortItems(); } const byMessage = (a, b) => { const ma = `${a.message}`; const mb = `${b.message}`; if(ma < mb) return -1; if(mb < ma) return 1; return 0; }; this.errors.sort(byMessage); this.warnings.sort(byMessage); } summarizeDependencies() { function filterDups(array) { const newArray = []; for(let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if(i === 0 || array[i - 1] !== array[i]) newArray.push(array[i]); } return newArray; } this.fileDependencies = (this.compilationDependencies || []).slice(); this.contextDependencies = []; this.missingDependencies = []; for(let indexChildren = 0; indexChildren < this.children.length; indexChildren++) { const child = this.children[indexChildren]; this.fileDependencies = this.fileDependencies.concat(child.fileDependencies); this.contextDependencies = this.contextDependencies.concat(child.contextDependencies); this.missingDependencies = this.missingDependencies.concat(child.missingDependencies); } for(let indexModule = 0; indexModule < this.modules.length; indexModule++) { const module = this.modules[indexModule]; if(module.fileDependencies) { const fileDependencies = module.fileDependencies; for(let indexFileDep = 0; indexFileDep < fileDependencies.length; indexFileDep++) { this.fileDependencies.push(fileDependencies[indexFileDep]); } } if(module.contextDependencies) { const contextDependencies = module.contextDependencies; for(let indexContextDep = 0; indexContextDep < contextDependencies.length; indexContextDep++) { this.contextDependencies.push(contextDependencies[indexContextDep]); } } } this.errors.forEach(error => { if(Array.isArray(error.missing)) { error.missing.forEach(item => this.missingDependencies.push(item)); } }); this.fileDependencies.sort(); this.fileDependencies = filterDups(this.fileDependencies); this.contextDependencies.sort(); this.contextDependencies = filterDups(this.contextDependencies); this.missingDependencies.sort(); this.missingDependencies = filterDups(this.missingDependencies); } createHash() { const outputOptions = this.outputOptions; const hashFunction = outputOptions.hashFunction; const hashDigest = outputOptions.hashDigest; const hashDigestLength = outputOptions.hashDigestLength; const hash = crypto.createHash(hashFunction); if(outputOptions.hashSalt) hash.update(outputOptions.hashSalt); this.mainTemplate.updateHash(hash); this.chunkTemplate.updateHash(hash); this.moduleTemplate.updateHash(hash); this.children.forEach(function(child) { hash.update(child.hash); }); this.warnings.forEach(function(warning) { hash.update(`${warning.message}`); }); this.errors.forEach(function(error) { hash.update(`${error.message}`); }); // clone needed as sort below is inplace mutation const chunks = this.chunks.slice(); /** * sort here will bring all "falsy" values to the beginning * this is needed as the "hasRuntime()" chunks are dependent on the * hashes of the non-runtime chunks. */ chunks.sort((a, b) => { const aEntry = a.hasRuntime(); const bEntry = b.hasRuntime(); if(aEntry && !bEntry) return 1; if(!aEntry && bEntry) return -1; return 0; }); for(let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { const chunk = chunks[i]; const chunkHash = crypto.createHash(hashFunction); if(outputOptions.hashSalt) chunkHash.update(outputOptions.hashSalt); chunk.updateHash(chunkHash); if(chunk.hasRuntime()) { this.mainTemplate.updateHashForChunk(chunkHash, chunk); } else { this.chunkTemplate.updateHashForChunk(chunkHash, chunk); } this.applyPlugins2("chunk-hash", chunk, chunkHash); chunk.hash = chunkHash.digest(hashDigest); hash.update(chunk.hash); chunk.renderedHash = chunk.hash.substr(0, hashDigestLength); } this.fullHash = hash.digest(hashDigest); this.hash = this.fullHash.substr(0, hashDigestLength); } modifyHash(update) { const outputOptions = this.outputOptions; const hashFunction = outputOptions.hashFunction; const hashDigest = outputOptions.hashDigest; const hashDigestLength = outputOptions.hashDigestLength; const hash = crypto.createHash(hashFunction); hash.update(this.fullHash); hash.update(update); this.fullHash = hash.digest(hashDigest); this.hash = this.fullHash.substr(0, hashDigestLength); } createModuleAssets() { for(let i = 0; i < this.modules.length; i++) { const module = this.modules[i]; if(module.assets) { Object.keys(module.assets).forEach((assetName) => { const fileName = this.getPath(assetName); this.assets[fileName] = module.assets[assetName]; this.applyPlugins2("module-asset", module, fileName); }); } } } createChunkAssets() { const outputOptions = this.outputOptions; const filename = outputOptions.filename; const chunkFilename = outputOptions.chunkFilename; for(let i = 0; i < this.chunks.length; i++) { const chunk = this.chunks[i]; chunk.files = []; const chunkHash = chunk.hash; let source; let file; const filenameTemplate = chunk.filenameTemplate ? chunk.filenameTemplate : chunk.isInitial() ? filename : chunkFilename; try { const useChunkHash = !chunk.hasRuntime() || (this.mainTemplate.useChunkHash && this.mainTemplate.useChunkHash(chunk)); const usedHash = useChunkHash ? chunkHash : this.fullHash; const cacheName = "c" + chunk.id; if(this.cache && this.cache[cacheName] && this.cache[cacheName].hash === usedHash) { source = this.cache[cacheName].source; } else { if(chunk.hasRuntime()) { source = this.mainTemplate.render(this.hash, chunk, this.moduleTemplate, this.dependencyTemplates); } else { source = this.chunkTemplate.render(chunk, this.moduleTemplate, this.dependencyTemplates); } if(this.cache) { this.cache[cacheName] = { hash: usedHash, source: source = (source instanceof CachedSource ? source : new CachedSource(source)) }; } } file = this.getPath(filenameTemplate, { noChunkHash: !useChunkHash, chunk }); if(this.assets[file]) throw new Error(`Conflict: Multiple assets emit to the same filename ${file}`); this.assets[file] = source; chunk.files.push(file); this.applyPlugins2("chunk-asset", chunk, file); } catch(err) { this.errors.push(new ChunkRenderError(chunk, file || filenameTemplate, err)); } } } getPath(filename, data) { data = data || {}; data.hash = data.hash || this.hash; return this.mainTemplate.applyPluginsWaterfall("asset-path", filename, data); } createChildCompiler(name, outputOptions, plugins) { const idx = (this.childrenCounters[name] || 0); this.childrenCounters[name] = idx + 1; return this.compiler.createChildCompiler(this, name, idx, outputOptions, plugins); } checkConstraints() { const usedIds = {}; const modules = this.modules; for(let indexModule = 0; indexModule < modules.length; indexModule++) { const moduleId = modules[indexModule].id; if(usedIds[moduleId]) throw new Error(`checkConstraints: duplicate module id ${moduleId}`); } const chunks = this.chunks; for(let indexChunk = 0; indexChunk < chunks.length; indexChunk++) { const chunk = chunks[indexChunk]; if(chunks.indexOf(chunk) !== indexChunk) throw new Error(`checkConstraints: duplicate chunk in compilation ${chunk.debugId}`); chunk.checkConstraints(); } } } module.exports = Compilation;