/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const util = require("util"); const compareLocations = require("./compareLocations"); const SortableSet = require("./util/SortableSet"); let debugId = 1000; const sortById = (a, b) => { if(a.id < b.id) return -1; if(b.id < a.id) return 1; return 0; }; const sortByIdentifier = (a, b) => { if(a.identifier() > b.identifier()) return 1; if(a.identifier() < b.identifier()) return -1; return 0; }; class Chunk { constructor(name, module, loc) { this.id = null; this.ids = null; this.debugId = debugId++; this.name = name; this._modules = new SortableSet(undefined, sortByIdentifier); this.entrypoints = []; this.chunks = []; this.parents = []; this.blocks = []; this.origins = []; this.files = []; this.rendered = false; if(module) { this.origins.push({ module, loc, name }); } } get entry() { throw new Error("Chunk.entry was removed. Use hasRuntime()"); } set entry(data) { throw new Error("Chunk.entry was removed. Use hasRuntime()"); } get initial() { throw new Error("Chunk.initial was removed. Use isInitial()"); } set initial(data) { throw new Error("Chunk.initial was removed. Use isInitial()"); } hasRuntime() { if(this.entrypoints.length === 0) return false; return this.entrypoints[0].chunks[0] === this; } isInitial() { return this.entrypoints.length > 0; } hasEntryModule() { return !!this.entryModule; } addToCollection(collection, item) { if(item === this) { return false; } if(collection.indexOf(item) > -1) { return false; } collection.push(item); return true; } addChunk(chunk) { return this.addToCollection(this.chunks, chunk); } addParent(parentChunk) { return this.addToCollection(this.parents, parentChunk); } addModule(module) { if(!this._modules.has(module)) { this._modules.add(module); return true; } return false; } addBlock(block) { return this.addToCollection(this.blocks, block); } removeModule(module) { if(this._modules.delete(module)) { module.removeChunk(this); return true; } return false; } removeChunk(chunk) { const idx = this.chunks.indexOf(chunk); if(idx >= 0) { this.chunks.splice(idx, 1); chunk.removeParent(this); return true; } return false; } removeParent(chunk) { const idx = this.parents.indexOf(chunk); if(idx >= 0) { this.parents.splice(idx, 1); chunk.removeChunk(this); return true; } return false; } addOrigin(module, loc) { this.origins.push({ module, loc, name: this.name }); } setModules(modules) { this._modules = new SortableSet(modules, sortByIdentifier); } getNumberOfModules() { return this._modules.size; } get modulesIterable() { return this._modules; } forEachModule(fn) { this._modules.forEach(fn); } mapModules(fn) { return Array.from(this._modules, fn); } compareTo(otherChunk) { this._modules.sort(); otherChunk._modules.sort(); if(this._modules.size > otherChunk._modules.size) return -1; if(this._modules.size < otherChunk._modules.size) return 1; const a = this._modules[Symbol.iterator](); const b = otherChunk._modules[Symbol.iterator](); while(true) { // eslint-disable-line const aItem = a.next(); const bItem = b.next(); if(aItem.done) return 0; const aModuleIdentifier = aItem.value.identifier(); const bModuleIdentifier = bItem.value.identifier(); if(aModuleIdentifier > bModuleIdentifier) return -1; if(aModuleIdentifier < bModuleIdentifier) return 1; } } containsModule(module) { return this._modules.has(module); } getModules() { return Array.from(this._modules); } getModulesIdent() { this._modules.sort(); let str = ""; this._modules.forEach(m => { str += m.identifier() + "#"; }); return str; } remove(reason) { // cleanup modules // Array.from is used here to create a clone, because removeChunk modifies this._modules Array.from(this._modules).forEach(module => { module.removeChunk(this); }); // cleanup parents this.parents.forEach(parentChunk => { // remove this chunk from its parents const idx = parentChunk.chunks.indexOf(this); if(idx >= 0) { parentChunk.chunks.splice(idx, 1); } // cleanup "sub chunks" this.chunks.forEach(chunk => { /** * remove this chunk as "intermediary" and connect * it "sub chunks" and parents directly */ // add parent to each "sub chunk" chunk.addParent(parentChunk); // add "sub chunk" to parent parentChunk.addChunk(chunk); }); }); /** * we need to iterate again over the chunks * to remove this from the chunks parents. * This can not be done in the above loop * as it is not garuanteed that `this.parents` contains anything. */ this.chunks.forEach(chunk => { // remove this as parent of every "sub chunk" const idx = chunk.parents.indexOf(this); if(idx >= 0) { chunk.parents.splice(idx, 1); } }); // cleanup blocks this.blocks.forEach(block => { const idx = block.chunks.indexOf(this); if(idx >= 0) { block.chunks.splice(idx, 1); if(block.chunks.length === 0) { block.chunks = null; block.chunkReason = reason; } } }); } moveModule(module, otherChunk) { module.removeChunk(this); module.addChunk(otherChunk); otherChunk.addModule(module); module.rewriteChunkInReasons(this, [otherChunk]); } replaceChunk(oldChunk, newChunk) { const idx = this.chunks.indexOf(oldChunk); if(idx >= 0) { this.chunks.splice(idx, 1); } if(this !== newChunk && newChunk.addParent(this)) { this.addChunk(newChunk); } } replaceParentChunk(oldParentChunk, newParentChunk) { const idx = this.parents.indexOf(oldParentChunk); if(idx >= 0) { this.parents.splice(idx, 1); } if(this !== newParentChunk && newParentChunk.addChunk(this)) { this.addParent(newParentChunk); } } integrate(otherChunk, reason) { if(!this.canBeIntegrated(otherChunk)) { return false; } // Array.from is used here to create a clone, because moveModule modifies otherChunk._modules const otherChunkModules = Array.from(otherChunk._modules); otherChunkModules.forEach(module => otherChunk.moveModule(module, this)); otherChunk._modules.clear(); otherChunk.parents.forEach(parentChunk => parentChunk.replaceChunk(otherChunk, this)); otherChunk.parents.length = 0; otherChunk.chunks.forEach(chunk => chunk.replaceParentChunk(otherChunk, this)); otherChunk.chunks.length = 0; otherChunk.blocks.forEach(b => { b.chunks = b.chunks ? b.chunks.map(c => { return c === otherChunk ? this : c; }) : [this]; b.chunkReason = reason; this.addBlock(b); }); otherChunk.blocks.length = 0; otherChunk.origins.forEach(origin => { this.origins.push(origin); }); this.blocks.forEach(b => { b.chunkReason = reason; }); this.origins.forEach(origin => { if(!origin.reasons) { origin.reasons = [reason]; } else if(origin.reasons[0] !== reason) { origin.reasons.unshift(reason); } }); this.chunks = this.chunks.filter(chunk => { return chunk !== otherChunk && chunk !== this; }); this.parents = this.parents.filter(parentChunk => { return parentChunk !== otherChunk && parentChunk !== this; }); return true; } split(newChunk) { this.blocks.forEach(block => { newChunk.blocks.push(block); block.chunks.push(newChunk); }); this.chunks.forEach(chunk => { newChunk.chunks.push(chunk); chunk.parents.push(newChunk); }); this.parents.forEach(parentChunk => { parentChunk.chunks.push(newChunk); newChunk.parents.push(parentChunk); }); this.entrypoints.forEach(entrypoint => { entrypoint.insertChunk(newChunk, this); }); } isEmpty() { return this._modules.size === 0; } updateHash(hash) { hash.update(`${this.id} `); hash.update(this.ids ? this.ids.join(",") : ""); hash.update(`${this.name || ""} `); this._modules.forEach(m => m.updateHash(hash)); } canBeIntegrated(otherChunk) { if(otherChunk.isInitial()) { return false; } if(this.isInitial()) { if(otherChunk.parents.length !== 1 || otherChunk.parents[0] !== this) { return false; } } return true; } addMultiplierAndOverhead(size, options) { const overhead = typeof options.chunkOverhead === "number" ? options.chunkOverhead : 10000; const multiplicator = this.isInitial() ? (options.entryChunkMultiplicator || 10) : 1; return size * multiplicator + overhead; } modulesSize() { let count = 0; for(const module of this._modules) { count += module.size(); } return count; } size(options) { return this.addMultiplierAndOverhead(this.modulesSize(), options); } integratedSize(otherChunk, options) { // Chunk if it's possible to integrate this chunk if(!this.canBeIntegrated(otherChunk)) { return false; } let integratedModulesSize = this.modulesSize(); // only count modules that do not exist in this chunk! for(const otherModule of otherChunk._modules) { if(!this._modules.has(otherModule)) { integratedModulesSize += otherModule.size(); } } return this.addMultiplierAndOverhead(integratedModulesSize, options); } getChunkMaps(includeInitial, realHash) { const chunksProcessed = []; const chunkHashMap = {}; const chunkNameMap = {}; (function addChunk(chunk) { if(chunksProcessed.indexOf(chunk) >= 0) return; chunksProcessed.push(chunk); if(!chunk.isInitial() || includeInitial) { chunkHashMap[chunk.id] = realHash ? chunk.hash : chunk.renderedHash; if(chunk.name) chunkNameMap[chunk.id] = chunk.name; } chunk.chunks.forEach(addChunk); }(this)); return { hash: chunkHashMap, name: chunkNameMap }; } sortModules(sortByFn) { this._modules.sortWith(sortByFn || sortById); } sortItems() { this.sortModules(); this.origins.sort((a, b) => { const aIdent = a.module.identifier(); const bIdent = b.module.identifier(); if(aIdent < bIdent) return -1; if(aIdent > bIdent) return 1; return compareLocations(a.loc, b.loc); }); this.origins.forEach(origin => { if(origin.reasons) origin.reasons.sort(); }); this.parents.sort(sortById); this.chunks.sort(sortById); } toString() { return `Chunk[${Array.from(this._modules).join()}]`; } checkConstraints() { const chunk = this; chunk.chunks.forEach((child, idx) => { if(chunk.chunks.indexOf(child) !== idx) throw new Error(`checkConstraints: duplicate child in chunk ${chunk.debugId} ${child.debugId}`); if(child.parents.indexOf(chunk) < 0) throw new Error(`checkConstraints: child missing parent ${chunk.debugId} -> ${child.debugId}`); }); chunk.parents.forEach((parentChunk, idx) => { if(chunk.parents.indexOf(parentChunk) !== idx) throw new Error(`checkConstraints: duplicate parent in chunk ${chunk.debugId} ${parentChunk.debugId}`); if(parentChunk.chunks.indexOf(chunk) < 0) throw new Error(`checkConstraints: parent missing child ${parentChunk.debugId} <- ${chunk.debugId}`); }); } } Object.defineProperty(Chunk.prototype, "modules", { configurable: false, get: util.deprecate(function() { return Array.from(this._modules); }, "Chunk.modules is deprecated. Use Chunk.getNumberOfModules/mapModules/forEachModule/containsModule instead."), set: util.deprecate(function(value) { this.setModules(value); }, "Chunk.modules is deprecated. Use Chunk.addModule/removeModule instead.") }); module.exports = Chunk;