# 2.4.0 * Adds support for reducing `grid` identifiers (thanks to @sylvainpolletvillard). # 2.3.1 * Performance tweaks: now performs one AST pass instead of three. # 2.3.0 * Adds support for a custom encoder function (thanks to @rauchg). # 2.2.2 * Now compiled with babel 6. # 2.2.1 * Updates postcss-value-parser to version 3 (thanks to @TrySound). # 2.2.0 * Added options for customising what the module reduces (thanks to @TrySound). * Replaced regex number test with postcss-value-parser unit method. # 2.1.0 * Replaced reduce-function-call with postcss-value-parser (thanks to @TrySound). # 2.0.0 * Upgraded to PostCSS 5. # 1.0.3 * Improved performance by iterating the AST less times. # 1.0.2 * Fixes an issue where multiple, comma separated animations with insufficient whitespace were not being renamed. # 1.0.1 * Documentation/metadata tweaks for plugin guidelines compatibility. # 1.0.0 * Initial release.