# eslint-plugin-vuefix This ESLint plugin extracts and auto-fix scripts from .vue files. ## Usage Simply install via npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-vuefix and add the plugin to your ESLint configuration. See [ESLint documentation](http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#configuring-plugins). Plugin should be installed __the same way as eslint:__ ```shell $ npm i eslint -D # local $ npm i eslint-plugin-vuefix -D # local # or $ npm i eslint -g # global $ npm i eslint-plugin-vuefix -g # global ``` Example: ```json { "plugins": [ "vuefix" ], "rules": { "vuefix/vuefix": [2, {"auto": true}] } } ``` ## Options - __auto__ (Boolean, default: true). If set to false, the file will not be overwritten automatically ## A Helper Tool If you create a new .vue file, and just type 'vue' to save, this plugin will generate an sample code for your vue component. ## License [MIT](LICENSE) © qintx