/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ function Storage(duration) { this.duration = duration; this.running = new Map(); this.data = new Map(); this.levels = []; if(duration > 0) { this.levels.push(new Set(), new Set(), new Set(), new Set(), new Set(), new Set(), new Set(), new Set(), new Set()); for(var i = 8000; i < duration; i += 500) this.levels.push(new Set()); } this.count = 0; this.interval = null; this.needTickCheck = false; this.nextTick = null; this.passive = true; this.tick = this.tick.bind(this); } Storage.prototype.ensureTick = function() { if(!this.interval && this.duration > 0 && !this.nextTick) this.interval = setInterval(this.tick, Math.floor(this.duration / this.levels.length)); }; Storage.prototype.finished = function(name, err, result) { var callbacks = this.running.get(name); this.running.delete(name); if(this.duration > 0) { this.data.set(name, [err, result]); var levelData = this.levels[0]; this.count -= levelData.size; levelData.add(name); this.count += levelData.size; this.ensureTick(); } for(var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { callbacks[i](err, result); } }; Storage.prototype.finishedSync = function(name, err, result) { if(this.duration > 0) { this.data.set(name, [err, result]); var levelData = this.levels[0]; this.count -= levelData.size; levelData.add(name); this.count += levelData.size; this.ensureTick(); } }; Storage.prototype.provide = function(name, provider, callback) { if(typeof name !== "string") { callback(new TypeError("path must be a string")); return; } var running = this.running.get(name); if(running) { running.push(callback); return; } if(this.duration > 0) { this.checkTicks(); var data = this.data.get(name); if(data) { return process.nextTick(function() { callback.apply(null, data); }); } } this.running.set(name, running = [callback]); var _this = this; provider(name, function(err, result) { _this.finished(name, err, result); }); }; Storage.prototype.provideSync = function(name, provider) { if(typeof name !== "string") { throw new TypeError("path must be a string"); } if(this.duration > 0) { this.checkTicks(); var data = this.data.get(name); if(data) { if(data[0]) throw data[0]; return data[1]; } } try { var result = provider(name); } catch(e) { this.finishedSync(name, e); throw e; } this.finishedSync(name, null, result); return result; }; Storage.prototype.tick = function() { var decay = this.levels.pop(); for(var item of decay) { this.data.delete(item); } this.count -= decay.size; decay.clear(); this.levels.unshift(decay); if(this.count === 0) { clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = null; this.nextTick = null; return true; } else if(this.nextTick) { this.nextTick += Math.floor(this.duration / this.levels.length); var time = new Date().getTime(); if(this.nextTick > time) { this.nextTick = null; this.interval = setInterval(this.tick, Math.floor(this.duration / this.levels.length)); return true; } } else if(this.passive) { clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = null; this.nextTick = new Date().getTime() + Math.floor(this.duration / this.levels.length); } else { this.passive = true; } }; Storage.prototype.checkTicks = function() { this.passive = false; if(this.nextTick) { while(!this.tick()); } }; Storage.prototype.purge = function(what) { if(!what) { this.count = 0; clearInterval(this.interval); this.nextTick = null; this.data.clear(); this.levels.forEach(function(level) { level.clear(); }); } else if(typeof what === "string") { for(var key of this.data.keys()) { if(key.startsWith(what)) this.data.delete(key); } } else { for(var i = what.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.purge(what[i]); } } }; function CachedInputFileSystem(fileSystem, duration) { this.fileSystem = fileSystem; this._statStorage = new Storage(duration); this._readdirStorage = new Storage(duration); this._readFileStorage = new Storage(duration); this._readJsonStorage = new Storage(duration); this._readlinkStorage = new Storage(duration); this._stat = this.fileSystem.stat ? this.fileSystem.stat.bind(this.fileSystem) : null; if(!this._stat) this.stat = null; this._statSync = this.fileSystem.statSync ? this.fileSystem.statSync.bind(this.fileSystem) : null; if(!this._statSync) this.statSync = null; this._readdir = this.fileSystem.readdir ? this.fileSystem.readdir.bind(this.fileSystem) : null; if(!this._readdir) this.readdir = null; this._readdirSync = this.fileSystem.readdirSync ? this.fileSystem.readdirSync.bind(this.fileSystem) : null; if(!this._readdirSync) this.readdirSync = null; this._readFile = this.fileSystem.readFile ? this.fileSystem.readFile.bind(this.fileSystem) : null; if(!this._readFile) this.readFile = null; this._readFileSync = this.fileSystem.readFileSync ? this.fileSystem.readFileSync.bind(this.fileSystem) : null; if(!this._readFileSync) this.readFileSync = null; if(this.fileSystem.readJson) { this._readJson = this.fileSystem.readJson.bind(this.fileSystem); } else if(this.readFile) { this._readJson = function(path, callback) { this.readFile(path, function(err, buffer) { if(err) return callback(err); try { var data = JSON.parse(buffer.toString("utf-8")); } catch(e) { return callback(e); } callback(null, data); }); }.bind(this); } else { this.readJson = null; } if(this.fileSystem.readJsonSync) { this._readJsonSync = this.fileSystem.readJsonSync.bind(this.fileSystem); } else if(this.readFileSync) { this._readJsonSync = function(path) { var buffer = this.readFileSync(path); var data = JSON.parse(buffer.toString("utf-8")); return data; }.bind(this); } else { this.readJsonSync = null; } this._readlink = this.fileSystem.readlink ? this.fileSystem.readlink.bind(this.fileSystem) : null; if(!this._readlink) this.readlink = null; this._readlinkSync = this.fileSystem.readlinkSync ? this.fileSystem.readlinkSync.bind(this.fileSystem) : null; if(!this._readlinkSync) this.readlinkSync = null; } module.exports = CachedInputFileSystem; CachedInputFileSystem.prototype.stat = function(path, callback) { this._statStorage.provide(path, this._stat, callback); }; CachedInputFileSystem.prototype.readdir = function(path, callback) { this._readdirStorage.provide(path, this._readdir, callback); }; CachedInputFileSystem.prototype.readFile = function(path, callback) { this._readFileStorage.provide(path, this._readFile, callback); }; CachedInputFileSystem.prototype.readJson = function(path, callback) { this._readJsonStorage.provide(path, this._readJson, callback); }; CachedInputFileSystem.prototype.readlink = function(path, callback) { this._readlinkStorage.provide(path, this._readlink, callback); }; CachedInputFileSystem.prototype.statSync = function(path) { return this._statStorage.provideSync(path, this._statSync); }; CachedInputFileSystem.prototype.readdirSync = function(path) { return this._readdirStorage.provideSync(path, this._readdirSync); }; CachedInputFileSystem.prototype.readFileSync = function(path) { return this._readFileStorage.provideSync(path, this._readFileSync); }; CachedInputFileSystem.prototype.readJsonSync = function(path) { return this._readJsonStorage.provideSync(path, this._readJsonSync); }; CachedInputFileSystem.prototype.readlinkSync = function(path) { return this._readlinkStorage.provideSync(path, this._readlinkSync); }; CachedInputFileSystem.prototype.purge = function(what) { this._statStorage.purge(what); this._readdirStorage.purge(what); this._readFileStorage.purge(what); this._readlinkStorage.purge(what); this._readJsonStorage.purge(what); };