/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ var zrUtil = require("zrender/lib/core/util"); var LinearGradient = require("zrender/lib/graphic/LinearGradient"); var eventTool = require("zrender/lib/core/event"); var VisualMapView = require("./VisualMapView"); var graphic = require("../../util/graphic"); var numberUtil = require("../../util/number"); var sliderMove = require("../helper/sliderMove"); var helper = require("./helper"); var modelUtil = require("../../util/model"); /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ var linearMap = numberUtil.linearMap; var each = zrUtil.each; var mathMin = Math.min; var mathMax = Math.max; // Arbitrary value var HOVER_LINK_SIZE = 12; var HOVER_LINK_OUT = 6; // Notice: // Any "interval" should be by the order of [low, high]. // "handle0" (handleIndex === 0) maps to // low data value: this._dataInterval[0] and has low coord. // "handle1" (handleIndex === 1) maps to // high data value: this._dataInterval[1] and has high coord. // The logic of transform is implemented in this._createBarGroup. var ContinuousView = VisualMapView.extend({ type: 'visualMap.continuous', /** * @override */ init: function () { ContinuousView.superApply(this, 'init', arguments); /** * @private */ this._shapes = {}; /** * @private */ this._dataInterval = []; /** * @private */ this._handleEnds = []; /** * @private */ this._orient; /** * @private */ this._useHandle; /** * @private */ this._hoverLinkDataIndices = []; /** * @private */ this._dragging; /** * @private */ this._hovering; }, /** * @protected * @override */ doRender: function (visualMapModel, ecModel, api, payload) { if (!payload || payload.type !== 'selectDataRange' || payload.from !== this.uid) { this._buildView(); } }, /** * @private */ _buildView: function () { this.group.removeAll(); var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel; var thisGroup = this.group; this._orient = visualMapModel.get('orient'); this._useHandle = visualMapModel.get('calculable'); this._resetInterval(); this._renderBar(thisGroup); var dataRangeText = visualMapModel.get('text'); this._renderEndsText(thisGroup, dataRangeText, 0); this._renderEndsText(thisGroup, dataRangeText, 1); // Do this for background size calculation. this._updateView(true); // After updating view, inner shapes is built completely, // and then background can be rendered. this.renderBackground(thisGroup); // Real update view this._updateView(); this._enableHoverLinkToSeries(); this._enableHoverLinkFromSeries(); this.positionGroup(thisGroup); }, /** * @private */ _renderEndsText: function (group, dataRangeText, endsIndex) { if (!dataRangeText) { return; } // Compatible with ec2, text[0] map to high value, text[1] map low value. var text = dataRangeText[1 - endsIndex]; text = text != null ? text + '' : ''; var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel; var textGap = visualMapModel.get('textGap'); var itemSize = visualMapModel.itemSize; var barGroup = this._shapes.barGroup; var position = this._applyTransform([itemSize[0] / 2, endsIndex === 0 ? -textGap : itemSize[1] + textGap], barGroup); var align = this._applyTransform(endsIndex === 0 ? 'bottom' : 'top', barGroup); var orient = this._orient; var textStyleModel = this.visualMapModel.textStyleModel; this.group.add(new graphic.Text({ style: { x: position[0], y: position[1], textVerticalAlign: orient === 'horizontal' ? 'middle' : align, textAlign: orient === 'horizontal' ? align : 'center', text: text, textFont: textStyleModel.getFont(), textFill: textStyleModel.getTextColor() } })); }, /** * @private */ _renderBar: function (targetGroup) { var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel; var shapes = this._shapes; var itemSize = visualMapModel.itemSize; var orient = this._orient; var useHandle = this._useHandle; var itemAlign = helper.getItemAlign(visualMapModel, this.api, itemSize); var barGroup = shapes.barGroup = this._createBarGroup(itemAlign); // Bar barGroup.add(shapes.outOfRange = createPolygon()); barGroup.add(shapes.inRange = createPolygon(null, useHandle ? getCursor(this._orient) : null, zrUtil.bind(this._dragHandle, this, 'all', false), zrUtil.bind(this._dragHandle, this, 'all', true))); var textRect = visualMapModel.textStyleModel.getTextRect('国'); var textSize = mathMax(textRect.width, textRect.height); // Handle if (useHandle) { shapes.handleThumbs = []; shapes.handleLabels = []; shapes.handleLabelPoints = []; this._createHandle(barGroup, 0, itemSize, textSize, orient, itemAlign); this._createHandle(barGroup, 1, itemSize, textSize, orient, itemAlign); } this._createIndicator(barGroup, itemSize, textSize, orient); targetGroup.add(barGroup); }, /** * @private */ _createHandle: function (barGroup, handleIndex, itemSize, textSize, orient) { var onDrift = zrUtil.bind(this._dragHandle, this, handleIndex, false); var onDragEnd = zrUtil.bind(this._dragHandle, this, handleIndex, true); var handleThumb = createPolygon(createHandlePoints(handleIndex, textSize), getCursor(this._orient), onDrift, onDragEnd); handleThumb.position[0] = itemSize[0]; barGroup.add(handleThumb); // Text is always horizontal layout but should not be effected by // transform (orient/inverse). So label is built separately but not // use zrender/graphic/helper/RectText, and is located based on view // group (according to handleLabelPoint) but not barGroup. var textStyleModel = this.visualMapModel.textStyleModel; var handleLabel = new graphic.Text({ draggable: true, drift: onDrift, onmousemove: function (e) { // Fot mobile devicem, prevent screen slider on the button. eventTool.stop(e.event); }, ondragend: onDragEnd, style: { x: 0, y: 0, text: '', textFont: textStyleModel.getFont(), textFill: textStyleModel.getTextColor() } }); this.group.add(handleLabel); var handleLabelPoint = [orient === 'horizontal' ? textSize / 2 : textSize * 1.5, orient === 'horizontal' ? handleIndex === 0 ? -(textSize * 1.5) : textSize * 1.5 : handleIndex === 0 ? -textSize / 2 : textSize / 2]; var shapes = this._shapes; shapes.handleThumbs[handleIndex] = handleThumb; shapes.handleLabelPoints[handleIndex] = handleLabelPoint; shapes.handleLabels[handleIndex] = handleLabel; }, /** * @private */ _createIndicator: function (barGroup, itemSize, textSize, orient) { var indicator = createPolygon([[0, 0]], 'move'); indicator.position[0] = itemSize[0]; indicator.attr({ invisible: true, silent: true }); barGroup.add(indicator); var textStyleModel = this.visualMapModel.textStyleModel; var indicatorLabel = new graphic.Text({ silent: true, invisible: true, style: { x: 0, y: 0, text: '', textFont: textStyleModel.getFont(), textFill: textStyleModel.getTextColor() } }); this.group.add(indicatorLabel); var indicatorLabelPoint = [orient === 'horizontal' ? textSize / 2 : HOVER_LINK_OUT + 3, 0]; var shapes = this._shapes; shapes.indicator = indicator; shapes.indicatorLabel = indicatorLabel; shapes.indicatorLabelPoint = indicatorLabelPoint; }, /** * @private */ _dragHandle: function (handleIndex, isEnd, dx, dy) { if (!this._useHandle) { return; } this._dragging = !isEnd; if (!isEnd) { // Transform dx, dy to bar coordination. var vertex = this._applyTransform([dx, dy], this._shapes.barGroup, true); this._updateInterval(handleIndex, vertex[1]); // Considering realtime, update view should be executed // before dispatch action. this._updateView(); } // dragEnd do not dispatch action when realtime. if (isEnd === !this.visualMapModel.get('realtime')) { // jshint ignore:line this.api.dispatchAction({ type: 'selectDataRange', from: this.uid, visualMapId: this.visualMapModel.id, selected: this._dataInterval.slice() }); } if (isEnd) { !this._hovering && this._clearHoverLinkToSeries(); } else if (useHoverLinkOnHandle(this.visualMapModel)) { this._doHoverLinkToSeries(this._handleEnds[handleIndex], false); } }, /** * @private */ _resetInterval: function () { var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel; var dataInterval = this._dataInterval = visualMapModel.getSelected(); var dataExtent = visualMapModel.getExtent(); var sizeExtent = [0, visualMapModel.itemSize[1]]; this._handleEnds = [linearMap(dataInterval[0], dataExtent, sizeExtent, true), linearMap(dataInterval[1], dataExtent, sizeExtent, true)]; }, /** * @private * @param {(number|string)} handleIndex 0 or 1 or 'all' * @param {number} dx * @param {number} dy */ _updateInterval: function (handleIndex, delta) { delta = delta || 0; var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel; var handleEnds = this._handleEnds; var sizeExtent = [0, visualMapModel.itemSize[1]]; sliderMove(delta, handleEnds, sizeExtent, handleIndex, // cross is forbiden 0); var dataExtent = visualMapModel.getExtent(); // Update data interval. this._dataInterval = [linearMap(handleEnds[0], sizeExtent, dataExtent, true), linearMap(handleEnds[1], sizeExtent, dataExtent, true)]; }, /** * @private */ _updateView: function (forSketch) { var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel; var dataExtent = visualMapModel.getExtent(); var shapes = this._shapes; var outOfRangeHandleEnds = [0, visualMapModel.itemSize[1]]; var inRangeHandleEnds = forSketch ? outOfRangeHandleEnds : this._handleEnds; var visualInRange = this._createBarVisual(this._dataInterval, dataExtent, inRangeHandleEnds, 'inRange'); var visualOutOfRange = this._createBarVisual(dataExtent, dataExtent, outOfRangeHandleEnds, 'outOfRange'); shapes.inRange.setStyle({ fill: visualInRange.barColor, opacity: visualInRange.opacity }).setShape('points', visualInRange.barPoints); shapes.outOfRange.setStyle({ fill: visualOutOfRange.barColor, opacity: visualOutOfRange.opacity }).setShape('points', visualOutOfRange.barPoints); this._updateHandle(inRangeHandleEnds, visualInRange); }, /** * @private */ _createBarVisual: function (dataInterval, dataExtent, handleEnds, forceState) { var opts = { forceState: forceState, convertOpacityToAlpha: true }; var colorStops = this._makeColorGradient(dataInterval, opts); var symbolSizes = [this.getControllerVisual(dataInterval[0], 'symbolSize', opts), this.getControllerVisual(dataInterval[1], 'symbolSize', opts)]; var barPoints = this._createBarPoints(handleEnds, symbolSizes); return { barColor: new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, colorStops), barPoints: barPoints, handlesColor: [colorStops[0].color, colorStops[colorStops.length - 1].color] }; }, /** * @private */ _makeColorGradient: function (dataInterval, opts) { // Considering colorHue, which is not linear, so we have to sample // to calculate gradient color stops, but not only caculate head // and tail. var sampleNumber = 100; // Arbitrary value. var colorStops = []; var step = (dataInterval[1] - dataInterval[0]) / sampleNumber; colorStops.push({ color: this.getControllerVisual(dataInterval[0], 'color', opts), offset: 0 }); for (var i = 1; i < sampleNumber; i++) { var currValue = dataInterval[0] + step * i; if (currValue > dataInterval[1]) { break; } colorStops.push({ color: this.getControllerVisual(currValue, 'color', opts), offset: i / sampleNumber }); } colorStops.push({ color: this.getControllerVisual(dataInterval[1], 'color', opts), offset: 1 }); return colorStops; }, /** * @private */ _createBarPoints: function (handleEnds, symbolSizes) { var itemSize = this.visualMapModel.itemSize; return [[itemSize[0] - symbolSizes[0], handleEnds[0]], [itemSize[0], handleEnds[0]], [itemSize[0], handleEnds[1]], [itemSize[0] - symbolSizes[1], handleEnds[1]]]; }, /** * @private */ _createBarGroup: function (itemAlign) { var orient = this._orient; var inverse = this.visualMapModel.get('inverse'); return new graphic.Group(orient === 'horizontal' && !inverse ? { scale: itemAlign === 'bottom' ? [1, 1] : [-1, 1], rotation: Math.PI / 2 } : orient === 'horizontal' && inverse ? { scale: itemAlign === 'bottom' ? [-1, 1] : [1, 1], rotation: -Math.PI / 2 } : orient === 'vertical' && !inverse ? { scale: itemAlign === 'left' ? [1, -1] : [-1, -1] } : { scale: itemAlign === 'left' ? [1, 1] : [-1, 1] }); }, /** * @private */ _updateHandle: function (handleEnds, visualInRange) { if (!this._useHandle) { return; } var shapes = this._shapes; var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel; var handleThumbs = shapes.handleThumbs; var handleLabels = shapes.handleLabels; each([0, 1], function (handleIndex) { var handleThumb = handleThumbs[handleIndex]; handleThumb.setStyle('fill', visualInRange.handlesColor[handleIndex]); handleThumb.position[1] = handleEnds[handleIndex]; // Update handle label position. var textPoint = graphic.applyTransform(shapes.handleLabelPoints[handleIndex], graphic.getTransform(handleThumb, this.group)); handleLabels[handleIndex].setStyle({ x: textPoint[0], y: textPoint[1], text: visualMapModel.formatValueText(this._dataInterval[handleIndex]), textVerticalAlign: 'middle', textAlign: this._applyTransform(this._orient === 'horizontal' ? handleIndex === 0 ? 'bottom' : 'top' : 'left', shapes.barGroup) }); }, this); }, /** * @private * @param {number} cursorValue * @param {number} textValue * @param {string} [rangeSymbol] * @param {number} [halfHoverLinkSize] */ _showIndicator: function (cursorValue, textValue, rangeSymbol, halfHoverLinkSize) { var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel; var dataExtent = visualMapModel.getExtent(); var itemSize = visualMapModel.itemSize; var sizeExtent = [0, itemSize[1]]; var pos = linearMap(cursorValue, dataExtent, sizeExtent, true); var shapes = this._shapes; var indicator = shapes.indicator; if (!indicator) { return; } indicator.position[1] = pos; indicator.attr('invisible', false); indicator.setShape('points', createIndicatorPoints(!!rangeSymbol, halfHoverLinkSize, pos, itemSize[1])); var opts = { convertOpacityToAlpha: true }; var color = this.getControllerVisual(cursorValue, 'color', opts); indicator.setStyle('fill', color); // Update handle label position. var textPoint = graphic.applyTransform(shapes.indicatorLabelPoint, graphic.getTransform(indicator, this.group)); var indicatorLabel = shapes.indicatorLabel; indicatorLabel.attr('invisible', false); var align = this._applyTransform('left', shapes.barGroup); var orient = this._orient; indicatorLabel.setStyle({ text: (rangeSymbol ? rangeSymbol : '') + visualMapModel.formatValueText(textValue), textVerticalAlign: orient === 'horizontal' ? align : 'middle', textAlign: orient === 'horizontal' ? 'center' : align, x: textPoint[0], y: textPoint[1] }); }, /** * @private */ _enableHoverLinkToSeries: function () { var self = this; this._shapes.barGroup.on('mousemove', function (e) { self._hovering = true; if (!self._dragging) { var itemSize = self.visualMapModel.itemSize; var pos = self._applyTransform([e.offsetX, e.offsetY], self._shapes.barGroup, true, true); // For hover link show when hover handle, which might be // below or upper than sizeExtent. pos[1] = mathMin(mathMax(0, pos[1]), itemSize[1]); self._doHoverLinkToSeries(pos[1], 0 <= pos[0] && pos[0] <= itemSize[0]); } }).on('mouseout', function () { // When mouse is out of handle, hoverLink still need // to be displayed when realtime is set as false. self._hovering = false; !self._dragging && self._clearHoverLinkToSeries(); }); }, /** * @private */ _enableHoverLinkFromSeries: function () { var zr = this.api.getZr(); if (this.visualMapModel.option.hoverLink) { zr.on('mouseover', this._hoverLinkFromSeriesMouseOver, this); zr.on('mouseout', this._hideIndicator, this); } else { this._clearHoverLinkFromSeries(); } }, /** * @private */ _doHoverLinkToSeries: function (cursorPos, hoverOnBar) { var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel; var itemSize = visualMapModel.itemSize; if (!visualMapModel.option.hoverLink) { return; } var sizeExtent = [0, itemSize[1]]; var dataExtent = visualMapModel.getExtent(); // For hover link show when hover handle, which might be below or upper than sizeExtent. cursorPos = mathMin(mathMax(sizeExtent[0], cursorPos), sizeExtent[1]); var halfHoverLinkSize = getHalfHoverLinkSize(visualMapModel, dataExtent, sizeExtent); var hoverRange = [cursorPos - halfHoverLinkSize, cursorPos + halfHoverLinkSize]; var cursorValue = linearMap(cursorPos, sizeExtent, dataExtent, true); var valueRange = [linearMap(hoverRange[0], sizeExtent, dataExtent, true), linearMap(hoverRange[1], sizeExtent, dataExtent, true)]; // Consider data range is out of visualMap range, see test/visualMap-continuous.html, // where china and india has very large population. hoverRange[0] < sizeExtent[0] && (valueRange[0] = -Infinity); hoverRange[1] > sizeExtent[1] && (valueRange[1] = Infinity); // Do not show indicator when mouse is over handle, // otherwise labels overlap, especially when dragging. if (hoverOnBar) { if (valueRange[0] === -Infinity) { this._showIndicator(cursorValue, valueRange[1], '< ', halfHoverLinkSize); } else if (valueRange[1] === Infinity) { this._showIndicator(cursorValue, valueRange[0], '> ', halfHoverLinkSize); } else { this._showIndicator(cursorValue, cursorValue, '≈ ', halfHoverLinkSize); } } // When realtime is set as false, handles, which are in barGroup, // also trigger hoverLink, which help user to realize where they // focus on when dragging. (see test/heatmap-large.html) // When realtime is set as true, highlight will not show when hover // handle, because the label on handle, which displays a exact value // but not range, might mislead users. var oldBatch = this._hoverLinkDataIndices; var newBatch = []; if (hoverOnBar || useHoverLinkOnHandle(visualMapModel)) { newBatch = this._hoverLinkDataIndices = visualMapModel.findTargetDataIndices(valueRange); } var resultBatches = modelUtil.compressBatches(oldBatch, newBatch); this._dispatchHighDown('downplay', helper.makeHighDownBatch(resultBatches[0], visualMapModel)); this._dispatchHighDown('highlight', helper.makeHighDownBatch(resultBatches[1], visualMapModel)); }, /** * @private */ _hoverLinkFromSeriesMouseOver: function (e) { var el = e.target; var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel; if (!el || el.dataIndex == null) { return; } var dataModel = this.ecModel.getSeriesByIndex(el.seriesIndex); if (!visualMapModel.isTargetSeries(dataModel)) { return; } var data = dataModel.getData(el.dataType); var value = data.get(visualMapModel.getDataDimension(data), el.dataIndex, true); if (!isNaN(value)) { this._showIndicator(value, value); } }, /** * @private */ _hideIndicator: function () { var shapes = this._shapes; shapes.indicator && shapes.indicator.attr('invisible', true); shapes.indicatorLabel && shapes.indicatorLabel.attr('invisible', true); }, /** * @private */ _clearHoverLinkToSeries: function () { this._hideIndicator(); var indices = this._hoverLinkDataIndices; this._dispatchHighDown('downplay', helper.makeHighDownBatch(indices, this.visualMapModel)); indices.length = 0; }, /** * @private */ _clearHoverLinkFromSeries: function () { this._hideIndicator(); var zr = this.api.getZr(); zr.off('mouseover', this._hoverLinkFromSeriesMouseOver); zr.off('mouseout', this._hideIndicator); }, /** * @private */ _applyTransform: function (vertex, element, inverse, global) { var transform = graphic.getTransform(element, global ? null : this.group); return graphic[zrUtil.isArray(vertex) ? 'applyTransform' : 'transformDirection'](vertex, transform, inverse); }, /** * @private */ _dispatchHighDown: function (type, batch) { batch && batch.length && this.api.dispatchAction({ type: type, batch: batch }); }, /** * @override */ dispose: function () { this._clearHoverLinkFromSeries(); this._clearHoverLinkToSeries(); }, /** * @override */ remove: function () { this._clearHoverLinkFromSeries(); this._clearHoverLinkToSeries(); } }); function createPolygon(points, cursor, onDrift, onDragEnd) { return new graphic.Polygon({ shape: { points: points }, draggable: !!onDrift, cursor: cursor, drift: onDrift, onmousemove: function (e) { // Fot mobile devicem, prevent screen slider on the button. eventTool.stop(e.event); }, ondragend: onDragEnd }); } function createHandlePoints(handleIndex, textSize) { return handleIndex === 0 ? [[0, 0], [textSize, 0], [textSize, -textSize]] : [[0, 0], [textSize, 0], [textSize, textSize]]; } function createIndicatorPoints(isRange, halfHoverLinkSize, pos, extentMax) { return isRange ? [// indicate range [0, -mathMin(halfHoverLinkSize, mathMax(pos, 0))], [HOVER_LINK_OUT, 0], [0, mathMin(halfHoverLinkSize, mathMax(extentMax - pos, 0))]] : [// indicate single value [0, 0], [5, -5], [5, 5]]; } function getHalfHoverLinkSize(visualMapModel, dataExtent, sizeExtent) { var halfHoverLinkSize = HOVER_LINK_SIZE / 2; var hoverLinkDataSize = visualMapModel.get('hoverLinkDataSize'); if (hoverLinkDataSize) { halfHoverLinkSize = linearMap(hoverLinkDataSize, dataExtent, sizeExtent, true) / 2; } return halfHoverLinkSize; } function useHoverLinkOnHandle(visualMapModel) { var hoverLinkOnHandle = visualMapModel.get('hoverLinkOnHandle'); return !!(hoverLinkOnHandle == null ? visualMapModel.get('realtime') : hoverLinkOnHandle); } function getCursor(orient) { return orient === 'vertical' ? 'ns-resize' : 'ew-resize'; } var _default = ContinuousView; module.exports = _default;