/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ var zrUtil = require("zrender/lib/core/util"); var graphic = require("../../util/graphic"); var Model = require("../../model/Model"); var AxisView = require("./AxisView"); var AxisBuilder = require("./AxisBuilder"); /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ var elementList = ['axisLine', 'axisLabel', 'axisTick', 'minorTick', 'splitLine', 'minorSplitLine', 'splitArea']; function getAxisLineShape(polar, rExtent, angle) { rExtent[1] > rExtent[0] && (rExtent = rExtent.slice().reverse()); var start = polar.coordToPoint([rExtent[0], angle]); var end = polar.coordToPoint([rExtent[1], angle]); return { x1: start[0], y1: start[1], x2: end[0], y2: end[1] }; } function getRadiusIdx(polar) { var radiusAxis = polar.getRadiusAxis(); return radiusAxis.inverse ? 0 : 1; } // Remove the last tick which will overlap the first tick function fixAngleOverlap(list) { var firstItem = list[0]; var lastItem = list[list.length - 1]; if (firstItem && lastItem && Math.abs(Math.abs(firstItem.coord - lastItem.coord) - 360) < 1e-4) { list.pop(); } } var _default = AxisView.extend({ type: 'angleAxis', axisPointerClass: 'PolarAxisPointer', render: function (angleAxisModel, ecModel) { this.group.removeAll(); if (!angleAxisModel.get('show')) { return; } var angleAxis = angleAxisModel.axis; var polar = angleAxis.polar; var radiusExtent = polar.getRadiusAxis().getExtent(); var ticksAngles = angleAxis.getTicksCoords(); var minorTickAngles = angleAxis.getMinorTicksCoords(); var labels = zrUtil.map(angleAxis.getViewLabels(), function (labelItem) { var labelItem = zrUtil.clone(labelItem); labelItem.coord = angleAxis.dataToCoord(labelItem.tickValue); return labelItem; }); fixAngleOverlap(labels); fixAngleOverlap(ticksAngles); zrUtil.each(elementList, function (name) { if (angleAxisModel.get(name + '.show') && (!angleAxis.scale.isBlank() || name === 'axisLine')) { this['_' + name](angleAxisModel, polar, ticksAngles, minorTickAngles, radiusExtent, labels); } }, this); }, /** * @private */ _axisLine: function (angleAxisModel, polar, ticksAngles, minorTickAngles, radiusExtent) { var lineStyleModel = angleAxisModel.getModel('axisLine.lineStyle'); // extent id of the axis radius (r0 and r) var rId = getRadiusIdx(polar); var r0Id = rId ? 0 : 1; var shape; if (radiusExtent[r0Id] === 0) { shape = new graphic.Circle({ shape: { cx: polar.cx, cy: polar.cy, r: radiusExtent[rId] }, style: lineStyleModel.getLineStyle(), z2: 1, silent: true }); } else { shape = new graphic.Ring({ shape: { cx: polar.cx, cy: polar.cy, r: radiusExtent[rId], r0: radiusExtent[r0Id] }, style: lineStyleModel.getLineStyle(), z2: 1, silent: true }); } shape.style.fill = null; this.group.add(shape); }, /** * @private */ _axisTick: function (angleAxisModel, polar, ticksAngles, minorTickAngles, radiusExtent) { var tickModel = angleAxisModel.getModel('axisTick'); var tickLen = (tickModel.get('inside') ? -1 : 1) * tickModel.get('length'); var radius = radiusExtent[getRadiusIdx(polar)]; var lines = zrUtil.map(ticksAngles, function (tickAngleItem) { return new graphic.Line({ shape: getAxisLineShape(polar, [radius, radius + tickLen], tickAngleItem.coord) }); }); this.group.add(graphic.mergePath(lines, { style: zrUtil.defaults(tickModel.getModel('lineStyle').getLineStyle(), { stroke: angleAxisModel.get('axisLine.lineStyle.color') }) })); }, /** * @private */ _minorTick: function (angleAxisModel, polar, tickAngles, minorTickAngles, radiusExtent) { if (!minorTickAngles.length) { return; } var tickModel = angleAxisModel.getModel('axisTick'); var minorTickModel = angleAxisModel.getModel('minorTick'); var tickLen = (tickModel.get('inside') ? -1 : 1) * minorTickModel.get('length'); var radius = radiusExtent[getRadiusIdx(polar)]; var lines = []; for (var i = 0; i < minorTickAngles.length; i++) { for (var k = 0; k < minorTickAngles[i].length; k++) { lines.push(new graphic.Line({ shape: getAxisLineShape(polar, [radius, radius + tickLen], minorTickAngles[i][k].coord) })); } } this.group.add(graphic.mergePath(lines, { style: zrUtil.defaults(minorTickModel.getModel('lineStyle').getLineStyle(), zrUtil.defaults(tickModel.getLineStyle(), { stroke: angleAxisModel.get('axisLine.lineStyle.color') })) })); }, /** * @private */ _axisLabel: function (angleAxisModel, polar, ticksAngles, minorTickAngles, radiusExtent, labels) { var rawCategoryData = angleAxisModel.getCategories(true); var commonLabelModel = angleAxisModel.getModel('axisLabel'); var labelMargin = commonLabelModel.get('margin'); var triggerEvent = angleAxisModel.get('triggerEvent'); // Use length of ticksAngles because it may remove the last tick to avoid overlapping zrUtil.each(labels, function (labelItem, idx) { var labelModel = commonLabelModel; var tickValue = labelItem.tickValue; var r = radiusExtent[getRadiusIdx(polar)]; var p = polar.coordToPoint([r + labelMargin, labelItem.coord]); var cx = polar.cx; var cy = polar.cy; var labelTextAlign = Math.abs(p[0] - cx) / r < 0.3 ? 'center' : p[0] > cx ? 'left' : 'right'; var labelTextVerticalAlign = Math.abs(p[1] - cy) / r < 0.3 ? 'middle' : p[1] > cy ? 'top' : 'bottom'; if (rawCategoryData && rawCategoryData[tickValue] && rawCategoryData[tickValue].textStyle) { labelModel = new Model(rawCategoryData[tickValue].textStyle, commonLabelModel, commonLabelModel.ecModel); } var textEl = new graphic.Text({ silent: AxisBuilder.isLabelSilent(angleAxisModel) }); this.group.add(textEl); graphic.setTextStyle(textEl.style, labelModel, { x: p[0], y: p[1], textFill: labelModel.getTextColor() || angleAxisModel.get('axisLine.lineStyle.color'), text: labelItem.formattedLabel, textAlign: labelTextAlign, textVerticalAlign: labelTextVerticalAlign }); // Pack data for mouse event if (triggerEvent) { textEl.eventData = AxisBuilder.makeAxisEventDataBase(angleAxisModel); textEl.eventData.targetType = 'axisLabel'; textEl.eventData.value = labelItem.rawLabel; } }, this); }, /** * @private */ _splitLine: function (angleAxisModel, polar, ticksAngles, minorTickAngles, radiusExtent) { var splitLineModel = angleAxisModel.getModel('splitLine'); var lineStyleModel = splitLineModel.getModel('lineStyle'); var lineColors = lineStyleModel.get('color'); var lineCount = 0; lineColors = lineColors instanceof Array ? lineColors : [lineColors]; var splitLines = []; for (var i = 0; i < ticksAngles.length; i++) { var colorIndex = lineCount++ % lineColors.length; splitLines[colorIndex] = splitLines[colorIndex] || []; splitLines[colorIndex].push(new graphic.Line({ shape: getAxisLineShape(polar, radiusExtent, ticksAngles[i].coord) })); } // Simple optimization // Batching the lines if color are the same for (var i = 0; i < splitLines.length; i++) { this.group.add(graphic.mergePath(splitLines[i], { style: zrUtil.defaults({ stroke: lineColors[i % lineColors.length] }, lineStyleModel.getLineStyle()), silent: true, z: angleAxisModel.get('z') })); } }, /** * @private */ _minorSplitLine: function (angleAxisModel, polar, ticksAngles, minorTickAngles, radiusExtent) { if (!minorTickAngles.length) { return; } var minorSplitLineModel = angleAxisModel.getModel('minorSplitLine'); var lineStyleModel = minorSplitLineModel.getModel('lineStyle'); var lines = []; for (var i = 0; i < minorTickAngles.length; i++) { for (var k = 0; k < minorTickAngles[i].length; k++) { lines.push(new graphic.Line({ shape: getAxisLineShape(polar, radiusExtent, minorTickAngles[i][k].coord) })); } } this.group.add(graphic.mergePath(lines, { style: lineStyleModel.getLineStyle(), silent: true, z: angleAxisModel.get('z') })); }, /** * @private */ _splitArea: function (angleAxisModel, polar, ticksAngles, minorTickAngles, radiusExtent) { if (!ticksAngles.length) { return; } var splitAreaModel = angleAxisModel.getModel('splitArea'); var areaStyleModel = splitAreaModel.getModel('areaStyle'); var areaColors = areaStyleModel.get('color'); var lineCount = 0; areaColors = areaColors instanceof Array ? areaColors : [areaColors]; var splitAreas = []; var RADIAN = Math.PI / 180; var prevAngle = -ticksAngles[0].coord * RADIAN; var r0 = Math.min(radiusExtent[0], radiusExtent[1]); var r1 = Math.max(radiusExtent[0], radiusExtent[1]); var clockwise = angleAxisModel.get('clockwise'); for (var i = 1; i < ticksAngles.length; i++) { var colorIndex = lineCount++ % areaColors.length; splitAreas[colorIndex] = splitAreas[colorIndex] || []; splitAreas[colorIndex].push(new graphic.Sector({ shape: { cx: polar.cx, cy: polar.cy, r0: r0, r: r1, startAngle: prevAngle, endAngle: -ticksAngles[i].coord * RADIAN, clockwise: clockwise }, silent: true })); prevAngle = -ticksAngles[i].coord * RADIAN; } // Simple optimization // Batching the lines if color are the same for (var i = 0; i < splitAreas.length; i++) { this.group.add(graphic.mergePath(splitAreas[i], { style: zrUtil.defaults({ fill: areaColors[i % areaColors.length] }, areaStyleModel.getAreaStyle()), silent: true })); } } }); module.exports = _default;