/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ var echarts = require("../../echarts"); var zrUtil = require("zrender/lib/core/util"); var SymbolDraw = require("../helper/SymbolDraw"); var LineDraw = require("../helper/LineDraw"); var RoamController = require("../../component/helper/RoamController"); var roamHelper = require("../../component/helper/roamHelper"); var _cursorHelper = require("../../component/helper/cursorHelper"); var onIrrelevantElement = _cursorHelper.onIrrelevantElement; var graphic = require("../../util/graphic"); var adjustEdge = require("./adjustEdge"); var _graphHelper = require("./graphHelper"); var getNodeGlobalScale = _graphHelper.getNodeGlobalScale; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ var FOCUS_ADJACENCY = '__focusNodeAdjacency'; var UNFOCUS_ADJACENCY = '__unfocusNodeAdjacency'; var nodeOpacityPath = ['itemStyle', 'opacity']; var lineOpacityPath = ['lineStyle', 'opacity']; function getItemOpacity(item, opacityPath) { var opacity = item.getVisual('opacity'); return opacity != null ? opacity : item.getModel().get(opacityPath); } function fadeOutItem(item, opacityPath, opacityRatio) { var el = item.getGraphicEl(); var opacity = getItemOpacity(item, opacityPath); if (opacityRatio != null) { opacity == null && (opacity = 1); opacity *= opacityRatio; } el.downplay && el.downplay(); el.traverse(function (child) { if (!child.isGroup) { var opct = child.lineLabelOriginalOpacity; if (opct == null || opacityRatio != null) { opct = opacity; } child.setStyle('opacity', opct); } }); } function fadeInItem(item, opacityPath) { var opacity = getItemOpacity(item, opacityPath); var el = item.getGraphicEl(); // Should go back to normal opacity first, consider hoverLayer, // where current state is copied to elMirror, and support // emphasis opacity here. el.traverse(function (child) { !child.isGroup && child.setStyle('opacity', opacity); }); el.highlight && el.highlight(); } var _default = echarts.extendChartView({ type: 'graph', init: function (ecModel, api) { var symbolDraw = new SymbolDraw(); var lineDraw = new LineDraw(); var group = this.group; this._controller = new RoamController(api.getZr()); this._controllerHost = { target: group }; group.add(symbolDraw.group); group.add(lineDraw.group); this._symbolDraw = symbolDraw; this._lineDraw = lineDraw; this._firstRender = true; }, render: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api) { var graphView = this; var coordSys = seriesModel.coordinateSystem; this._model = seriesModel; var symbolDraw = this._symbolDraw; var lineDraw = this._lineDraw; var group = this.group; if (coordSys.type === 'view') { var groupNewProp = { position: coordSys.position, scale: coordSys.scale }; if (this._firstRender) { group.attr(groupNewProp); } else { graphic.updateProps(group, groupNewProp, seriesModel); } } // Fix edge contact point with node adjustEdge(seriesModel.getGraph(), getNodeGlobalScale(seriesModel)); var data = seriesModel.getData(); symbolDraw.updateData(data); var edgeData = seriesModel.getEdgeData(); lineDraw.updateData(edgeData); this._updateNodeAndLinkScale(); this._updateController(seriesModel, ecModel, api); clearTimeout(this._layoutTimeout); var forceLayout = seriesModel.forceLayout; var layoutAnimation = seriesModel.get('force.layoutAnimation'); if (forceLayout) { this._startForceLayoutIteration(forceLayout, layoutAnimation); } data.eachItemGraphicEl(function (el, idx) { var itemModel = data.getItemModel(idx); // Update draggable el.off('drag').off('dragend'); var draggable = itemModel.get('draggable'); if (draggable) { el.on('drag', function () { if (forceLayout) { forceLayout.warmUp(); !this._layouting && this._startForceLayoutIteration(forceLayout, layoutAnimation); forceLayout.setFixed(idx); // Write position back to layout data.setItemLayout(idx, el.position); } }, this).on('dragend', function () { if (forceLayout) { forceLayout.setUnfixed(idx); } }, this); } el.setDraggable(draggable && forceLayout); el[FOCUS_ADJACENCY] && el.off('mouseover', el[FOCUS_ADJACENCY]); el[UNFOCUS_ADJACENCY] && el.off('mouseout', el[UNFOCUS_ADJACENCY]); if (itemModel.get('focusNodeAdjacency')) { el.on('mouseover', el[FOCUS_ADJACENCY] = function () { graphView._clearTimer(); api.dispatchAction({ type: 'focusNodeAdjacency', seriesId: seriesModel.id, dataIndex: el.dataIndex }); }); el.on('mouseout', el[UNFOCUS_ADJACENCY] = function () { graphView._dispatchUnfocus(api); }); } }, this); data.graph.eachEdge(function (edge) { var el = edge.getGraphicEl(); el[FOCUS_ADJACENCY] && el.off('mouseover', el[FOCUS_ADJACENCY]); el[UNFOCUS_ADJACENCY] && el.off('mouseout', el[UNFOCUS_ADJACENCY]); if (edge.getModel().get('focusNodeAdjacency')) { el.on('mouseover', el[FOCUS_ADJACENCY] = function () { graphView._clearTimer(); api.dispatchAction({ type: 'focusNodeAdjacency', seriesId: seriesModel.id, edgeDataIndex: edge.dataIndex }); }); el.on('mouseout', el[UNFOCUS_ADJACENCY] = function () { graphView._dispatchUnfocus(api); }); } }); var circularRotateLabel = seriesModel.get('layout') === 'circular' && seriesModel.get('circular.rotateLabel'); var cx = data.getLayout('cx'); var cy = data.getLayout('cy'); data.eachItemGraphicEl(function (el, idx) { var itemModel = data.getItemModel(idx); var labelRotate = itemModel.get('label.rotate') || 0; var symbolPath = el.getSymbolPath(); if (circularRotateLabel) { var pos = data.getItemLayout(idx); var rad = Math.atan2(pos[1] - cy, pos[0] - cx); if (rad < 0) { rad = Math.PI * 2 + rad; } var isLeft = pos[0] < cx; if (isLeft) { rad = rad - Math.PI; } var textPosition = isLeft ? 'left' : 'right'; graphic.modifyLabelStyle(symbolPath, { textRotation: -rad, textPosition: textPosition, textOrigin: 'center' }, { textPosition: textPosition }); } else { graphic.modifyLabelStyle(symbolPath, { textRotation: labelRotate *= Math.PI / 180 }); } }); this._firstRender = false; }, dispose: function () { this._controller && this._controller.dispose(); this._controllerHost = {}; this._clearTimer(); }, _dispatchUnfocus: function (api, opt) { var self = this; this._clearTimer(); this._unfocusDelayTimer = setTimeout(function () { self._unfocusDelayTimer = null; api.dispatchAction({ type: 'unfocusNodeAdjacency', seriesId: self._model.id }); }, 500); }, _clearTimer: function () { if (this._unfocusDelayTimer) { clearTimeout(this._unfocusDelayTimer); this._unfocusDelayTimer = null; } }, focusNodeAdjacency: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload) { var data = seriesModel.getData(); var graph = data.graph; var dataIndex = payload.dataIndex; var edgeDataIndex = payload.edgeDataIndex; var node = graph.getNodeByIndex(dataIndex); var edge = graph.getEdgeByIndex(edgeDataIndex); if (!node && !edge) { return; } graph.eachNode(function (node) { fadeOutItem(node, nodeOpacityPath, 0.1); }); graph.eachEdge(function (edge) { fadeOutItem(edge, lineOpacityPath, 0.1); }); if (node) { fadeInItem(node, nodeOpacityPath); zrUtil.each(node.edges, function (adjacentEdge) { if (adjacentEdge.dataIndex < 0) { return; } fadeInItem(adjacentEdge, lineOpacityPath); fadeInItem(adjacentEdge.node1, nodeOpacityPath); fadeInItem(adjacentEdge.node2, nodeOpacityPath); }); } if (edge) { fadeInItem(edge, lineOpacityPath); fadeInItem(edge.node1, nodeOpacityPath); fadeInItem(edge.node2, nodeOpacityPath); } }, unfocusNodeAdjacency: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload) { var graph = seriesModel.getData().graph; graph.eachNode(function (node) { fadeOutItem(node, nodeOpacityPath); }); graph.eachEdge(function (edge) { fadeOutItem(edge, lineOpacityPath); }); }, _startForceLayoutIteration: function (forceLayout, layoutAnimation) { var self = this; (function step() { forceLayout.step(function (stopped) { self.updateLayout(self._model); (self._layouting = !stopped) && (layoutAnimation ? self._layoutTimeout = setTimeout(step, 16) : step()); }); })(); }, _updateController: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api) { var controller = this._controller; var controllerHost = this._controllerHost; var group = this.group; controller.setPointerChecker(function (e, x, y) { var rect = group.getBoundingRect(); rect.applyTransform(group.transform); return rect.contain(x, y) && !onIrrelevantElement(e, api, seriesModel); }); if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type !== 'view') { controller.disable(); return; } controller.enable(seriesModel.get('roam')); controllerHost.zoomLimit = seriesModel.get('scaleLimit'); controllerHost.zoom = seriesModel.coordinateSystem.getZoom(); controller.off('pan').off('zoom').on('pan', function (e) { roamHelper.updateViewOnPan(controllerHost, e.dx, e.dy); api.dispatchAction({ seriesId: seriesModel.id, type: 'graphRoam', dx: e.dx, dy: e.dy }); }).on('zoom', function (e) { roamHelper.updateViewOnZoom(controllerHost, e.scale, e.originX, e.originY); api.dispatchAction({ seriesId: seriesModel.id, type: 'graphRoam', zoom: e.scale, originX: e.originX, originY: e.originY }); this._updateNodeAndLinkScale(); adjustEdge(seriesModel.getGraph(), getNodeGlobalScale(seriesModel)); this._lineDraw.updateLayout(); }, this); }, _updateNodeAndLinkScale: function () { var seriesModel = this._model; var data = seriesModel.getData(); var nodeScale = getNodeGlobalScale(seriesModel); var invScale = [nodeScale, nodeScale]; data.eachItemGraphicEl(function (el, idx) { el.attr('scale', invScale); }); }, updateLayout: function (seriesModel) { adjustEdge(seriesModel.getGraph(), getNodeGlobalScale(seriesModel)); this._symbolDraw.updateLayout(); this._lineDraw.updateLayout(); }, remove: function (ecModel, api) { this._symbolDraw && this._symbolDraw.remove(); this._lineDraw && this._lineDraw.remove(); } }); module.exports = _default;