# 2.1.1 * Fixes a compatibility issue with `modular-css` - now the module will only use the raw selector value if it equal to the 'cleaned' selector value. # 2.1.0 * Adds support for converting between similar `:nth-child` selectors. For example, `:nth-child(1)` can be converted to `:first-child`, and `p:nth-last-child(2n + 1)` converts to `p:nth-last-child(odd)`. # 2.0.7 * Fixes a regression where postcss-minify-selectors would transform `[title=""]` into `[title=]` (thanks to @arperry). # 2.0.6 * Performance tweaks; now calls `Node#toString()` ~50% less often, removed dead branches, extracted each node type into a separate transformer function. * Resolves an issue where extraneous whitespace around a case-insensitive attribute selector (`[href="foo" i]`) would not be removed. # 2.0.5 * Updated postcss-selector-parser to `2.0.0`. # 2.0.4 * Now compiled with babel 6. # 2.0.3 * Fixed an issue where `[a="-"]` was incorrectly minified to `[a=-]`. # 2.0.2 * Fixed a crash with Polymer mixins; now the module will pass through any selector string with a trailing colon. # 2.0.1 * Replaced javascript-natural-sort with alphanum-sort (thanks to @TrySound). # 2.0.0 * Upgraded to PostCSS 5. * At-rule parameter minification was extracted out of this module into postcss-minify-params (thanks to @TrySound). # 1.5.0 * Added support for converting pseudo elements with double colon syntax to the single colon syntax. # 1.4.7 * Further performance improvements by using less postcss-selector-parser iterations. # 1.4.6 * Bump normalize-selector to `0.2.0`, decreases overall package weight. * Speed up node iteration by calling `eachInside` once rather than twice. # 1.4.5 * Update normalize-selector to cut down package weight. # 1.4.4 * Fixed an integration issue with postcss-font-magician. # 1.4.3 * Fixed an issue where `.from` was transformed to `0%`. # 1.4.2 * Bump dependencies. * Fixes for PostCSS plugin guidelines. # 1.4.1 * Fixes incorrect deduplication of pseudo selector rules. # 1.4.0 * Update to postcss-selector-parser to greatly improve parsing logic. # 1.3.1 * Fixes a crash when nothing was passed to `node-balanced`. # 1.3.0 * Now uses the PostCSS `4.1` plugin API. # 1.2.1 * Passes original test case in issue 1. # 1.2.0 * Does not touch quoted values in attribute selectors. * No longer will mangle values such as `2100%` in keyframes. # 1.1.0 * Now minifies `from` to `0%` and `100%` to `to` in keyframe declarations. # 1.0.0 * Initial release.