'use strict'; var Parser = require('./parser'), Serializer = require('./serializer'); /** @namespace parse5 */ /** * Parses an HTML string. * @function parse * @memberof parse5 * @instance * @param {string} html - Input HTML string. * @param {ParserOptions} [options] - Parsing options. * @returns {ASTNode} document * @example * var parse5 = require('parse5'); * * var document = parse5.parse('Hi there!'); */ exports.parse = function parse(html, options) { var parser = new Parser(options); return parser.parse(html); }; /** * Parses an HTML fragment. * @function parseFragment * @memberof parse5 * @instance * @param {ASTNode} [fragmentContext] - Parsing context element. If specified, given fragment * will be parsed as if it was set to the context element's `innerHTML` property. * @param {string} html - Input HTML fragment string. * @param {ParserOptions} [options] - Parsing options. * @returns {ASTNode} documentFragment * @example * var parse5 = require('parse5'); * * var documentFragment = parse5.parseFragment('
'); * * // Parses the html fragment in the context of the parsed element. * var trFragment = parser.parseFragment(documentFragment.childNodes[0], ''); */ exports.parseFragment = function parseFragment(fragmentContext, html, options) { if (typeof fragmentContext === 'string') { options = html; html = fragmentContext; fragmentContext = null; } var parser = new Parser(options); return parser.parseFragment(html, fragmentContext); }; /** * Serializes an AST node to an HTML string. * @function serialize * @memberof parse5 * @instance * @param {ASTNode} node - Node to serialize. * @param {SerializerOptions} [options] - Serialization options. * @returns {String} html * @example * var parse5 = require('parse5'); * * var document = parse5.parse('Hi there!'); * * // Serializes a document. * var html = parse5.serialize(document); * * // Serializes the element content. * var bodyInnerHtml = parse5.serialize(document.childNodes[0].childNodes[1]); */ exports.serialize = function (node, options) { var serializer = new Serializer(node, options); return serializer.serialize(); }; /** * Provides built-in tree adapters that can be used for parsing and serialization. * @var treeAdapters * @memberof parse5 * @instance * @property {TreeAdapter} default - Default tree format for parse5. * @property {TreeAdapter} htmlparser2 - Quite popular [htmlparser2](https://github.com/fb55/htmlparser2) tree format * (e.g. used by [cheerio](https://github.com/MatthewMueller/cheerio) and [jsdom](https://github.com/tmpvar/jsdom)). * @example * var parse5 = require('parse5'); * * // Uses the default tree adapter for parsing. * var document = parse5.parse('
', { treeAdapter: parse5.treeAdapters.default }); * * // Uses the htmlparser2 tree adapter with the SerializerStream. * var serializer = new parse5.SerializerStream(node, { treeAdapter: parse5.treeAdapters.htmlparser2 }); */ exports.treeAdapters = { default: require('./tree_adapters/default'), htmlparser2: require('./tree_adapters/htmlparser2') }; // Streaming exports.ParserStream = require('./parser/stream'); exports.SerializerStream = require('./serializer/stream'); exports.SAXParser = require('./sax');
Shake it, baby