if (process.fiberLib) { module.exports = process.fiberLib; } else { var fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), detectLibc = require('detect-libc'); // Seed random numbers [gh-82] Math.random(); // Look for binary for this platform var modPath = path.join(__dirname, 'bin', process.platform+ '-'+ process.arch+ '-'+ process.versions.modules+ ((process.platform === 'linux') ? '-'+ detectLibc.family : ''), 'fibers'); try { // Pull in fibers implementation process.fiberLib = module.exports = require(modPath).Fiber; } catch (ex) { // No binary! console.error( '## There is an issue with `node-fibers` ##\n'+ '`'+ modPath+ '.node` is missing.\n\n'+ 'Try running this to fix the issue: '+ process.execPath+ ' '+ __dirname.replace(' ', '\\ ')+ '/build' ); console.error(ex.stack || ex.message || ex); throw new Error('Missing binary. See message above.'); } setupAsyncHacks(module.exports); } function setupAsyncHacks(Fiber) { // Older (or newer?) versions of node may not support this API try { var aw = process.binding('async_wrap'); var getAsyncIdStackSize; if (aw.asyncIdStackSize instanceof Function) { getAsyncIdStackSize = aw.asyncIdStackSize; } else if (aw.constants.kStackLength !== undefined) { getAsyncIdStackSize = function(kStackLength) { return function() { return aw.async_hook_fields[kStackLength]; }; }(aw.constants.kStackLength); } else { throw new Error('Couldn\'t figure out how to get async stack size'); } var popAsyncContext = aw.popAsyncContext || aw.popAsyncIds; var pushAsyncContext = aw.pushAsyncContext || aw.pushAsyncIds; if (!popAsyncContext || !pushAsyncContext) { throw new Error('Push/pop do not exist'); } var kExecutionAsyncId; if (aw.constants.kExecutionAsyncId === undefined) { kExecutionAsyncId = aw.constants.kCurrentAsyncId; } else { kExecutionAsyncId = aw.constants.kExecutionAsyncId; } var kTriggerAsyncId; if (aw.constants.kTriggerAsyncId === undefined) { kTriggerAsyncId = aw.constants.kCurrentTriggerId; } else { kTriggerAsyncId = aw.constants.kTriggerAsyncId; } var asyncIds = aw.async_id_fields || aw.async_uid_fields; function getAndClearStack() { var ii = getAsyncIdStackSize(); var stack = new Array(ii); for (; ii > 0; --ii) { var asyncId = asyncIds[kExecutionAsyncId]; stack[ii - 1] = { asyncId: asyncId, triggerId: asyncIds[kTriggerAsyncId], }; popAsyncContext(asyncId); } return stack; } function restoreStack(stack) { for (var ii = 0; ii < stack.length; ++ii) { pushAsyncContext(stack[ii].asyncId, stack[ii].triggerId); } } function wrapFunction(fn) { return function() { var stack = getAndClearStack(); try { return fn.apply(this, arguments); } finally { restoreStack(stack); } } } // Monkey patch methods which may long jump Fiber.yield = wrapFunction(Fiber.yield); Fiber.prototype.run = wrapFunction(Fiber.prototype.run); Fiber.prototype.throwInto = wrapFunction(Fiber.prototype.throwInto); } catch (err) { return; } }