/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ var esprima = require('esprima'); var escodegen = require('escodegen'); var estraverse = require('estraverse'); var SYNTAX = estraverse.Syntax; var STR_MIN_LENGTH = 5; var STR_MIN_DIST = 1000; var STR_MIN_COUNT = 2; function createDeclaration(declarations) { return { type: SYNTAX.VariableDeclaration, declarations: declarations, kind: 'var' }; } function createDeclarator(id, init) { return { type: SYNTAX.VariableDeclarator, id: { type: SYNTAX.Identifier, name: id }, init: { type: SYNTAX.Literal, value: init } }; } function base54Digits() { return 'etnrisouaflchpdvmgybwESxTNCkLAOM_DPHBjFIqRUzWXV$JKQGYZ0516372984'; } var base54 = (function(){ var DIGITS = base54Digits(); return function(num) { var ret = ''; var base = 54; do { ret += DIGITS.charAt(num % base); num = Math.floor(num / base); base = 64; } while (num > 0); return ret; }; })(); function mangleString(source) { var ast = esprima.parse(source, { loc: true }); var stringVariables = {}; var stringRelaceCount = 0; estraverse.traverse(ast, { enter: function (node, parent) { if (node.type === SYNTAX.Literal && typeof node.value === 'string' ) { // Ignore if string is the key of property if (parent.type === SYNTAX.Property) { return; } var value = node.value; if (value.length > STR_MIN_LENGTH) { if (!stringVariables[value]) { stringVariables[value] = { count: 0, lastLoc: node.loc.start.line, name: '__echartsString__' + base54(stringRelaceCount++) }; } var diff = node.loc.start.line - stringVariables[value].lastLoc; // GZIP ? if (diff >= STR_MIN_DIST) { stringVariables[value].lastLoc = node.loc.start.line; stringVariables[value].count++; } } } if (node.type === SYNTAX.MemberExpression && !node.computed) { if (node.property.type === SYNTAX.Identifier) { var value = node.property.name; if (value.length > STR_MIN_LENGTH) { if (!stringVariables[value]) { stringVariables[value] = { count: 0, lastLoc: node.loc.start.line, name: '__echartsString__' + base54(stringRelaceCount++) }; } var diff = node.loc.start.line - stringVariables[value].lastLoc; if (diff >= STR_MIN_DIST) { stringVariables[value].lastLoc = node.loc.start.line; stringVariables[value].count++; } } } } } }); estraverse.replace(ast, { enter: function (node, parent) { if ((node.type === SYNTAX.Literal && typeof node.value === 'string') ) { // Ignore if string is the key of property if (parent.type === SYNTAX.Property) { return; } var str = node.value; if (stringVariables[str] && stringVariables[str].count > STR_MIN_COUNT) { return { type: SYNTAX.Identifier, name: stringVariables[str].name }; } } if (node.type === SYNTAX.MemberExpression && !node.computed) { if (node.property.type === SYNTAX.Identifier) { var str = node.property.name; if (stringVariables[str] && stringVariables[str].count > STR_MIN_COUNT) { return { type: SYNTAX.MemberExpression, object: node.object, property: { type: SYNTAX.Identifier, name: stringVariables[str].name }, computed: true }; } } } } }); // Add variables in the top for (var str in stringVariables) { // Used more than once if (stringVariables[str].count > STR_MIN_COUNT) { ast.body.unshift(createDeclaration([ createDeclarator(stringVariables[str].name, str) ])); } } return escodegen.generate( ast, { format: {escapeless: true}, comment: true } ); } exports = module.exports = mangleString;