const es2015 = { "check-es2015-constants": { features: [ "const", ], }, "transform-es2015-arrow-functions": { features: [ "arrow functions", ], }, "transform-es2015-block-scoped-functions": { features: [ "block-level function declaration" ], }, "transform-es2015-block-scoping": { features: [ "const", "let", ], }, "transform-es2015-classes": { features: [ "class", "super", ], }, "transform-es2015-computed-properties": { features: [ "object literal extensions / computed properties", ], }, "transform-es2015-destructuring": { features: [ "destructuring, assignment", "destructuring, declarations", "destructuring, parameters", ], }, "transform-es2015-duplicate-keys": { features: [ "miscellaneous / duplicate property names in strict mode", ], }, "transform-es2015-for-of": { features: [ "for..of loops", ], }, "transform-es2015-function-name": { features: [ "function \"name\" property", ] }, "transform-es2015-literals": { features: [ "Unicode code point escapes", ], }, "transform-es2015-object-super": { features: [ "super", ], }, "transform-es2015-parameters": { features: [ "default function parameters", "rest parameters", ], }, "transform-es2015-shorthand-properties": { features: [ "object literal extensions / shorthand properties", ], }, "transform-es2015-spread": { features: [ "spread (...) operator", ], }, "transform-es2015-sticky-regex": { features: [ "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"y\" flag, lastIndex", "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"y\" flag", ], }, "transform-es2015-template-literals": { features: [ "template literals", ], }, "transform-es2015-typeof-symbol": { features: [ "Symbol / typeof support" ], }, "transform-es2015-unicode-regex": { features: [ "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"u\" flag, case folding", "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"u\" flag, Unicode code point escapes", "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"u\" flag", ], }, "transform-regenerator": { features: [ "generators", ], } }; const es2016 = { "transform-exponentiation-operator": { features: [ "exponentiation (**) operator", ], } }; const es2017 = { "transform-async-to-generator": { features: [ "async functions", ], }, "syntax-trailing-function-commas": { features: [ "trailing commas in function syntax", ], } }; module.exports = Object.assign({}, es2015, es2016, es2017);