var mime = require("mime"); var parseRange = require("range-parser"); var pathIsAbsolute = require("path-is-absolute"); var MemoryFileSystem = require("memory-fs"); var timestamp = require("time-stamp"); var HASH_REGEXP = /[0-9a-f]{10,}/; module.exports = function Shared(context) { var share = { setOptions: function(options) { if(!options) options = {}; if(typeof options.reportTime === "undefined") options.reportTime = false; if(typeof options.watchOptions === "undefined") options.watchOptions = {}; if(typeof options.reporter !== "function") options.reporter = share.defaultReporter; if(typeof options.log !== "function") options.log = console.log.bind(console); if(typeof options.warn !== "function") options.warn = console.warn.bind(console); if(typeof options.error !== "function") options.error = console.error.bind(console); if(typeof options.watchDelay !== "undefined") { // TODO remove this in next major version options.warn("options.watchDelay is deprecated: Use 'options.watchOptions.aggregateTimeout' instead"); options.watchOptions.aggregateTimeout = options.watchDelay; } if(typeof options.watchOptions.aggregateTimeout === "undefined") options.watchOptions.aggregateTimeout = 200; if(typeof options.stats === "undefined") options.stats = {}; if(!options.stats.context) options.stats.context = process.cwd(); if(options.lazy) { if(typeof options.filename === "string") { var str = options.filename .replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&") .replace(/\\\[[a-z]+\\\]/ig, ".+"); options.filename = new RegExp("^[\/]{0,1}" + str + "$"); } } // defining custom MIME type if(options.mimeTypes) mime.define(options.mimeTypes); context.options = options; }, defaultReporter: function(reporterOptions) { var time = ""; var state = reporterOptions.state; var stats = reporterOptions.stats; var options = reporterOptions.options; if(!!options.reportTime) { time = "[" + timestamp("HH:mm:ss") + "] "; } if(state) { var displayStats = (!options.quiet && options.stats !== false); if(displayStats && !(stats.hasErrors() || stats.hasWarnings()) && options.noInfo) displayStats = false; if(displayStats) { if(stats.hasErrors()) { options.error(stats.toString(options.stats)); } else if(stats.hasWarnings()) { options.warn(stats.toString(options.stats)); } else { options.log(stats.toString(options.stats)); } } if(!options.noInfo && !options.quiet) { var msg = "Compiled successfully."; if(stats.hasErrors()) { msg = "Failed to compile."; } else if(stats.hasWarnings()) { msg = "Compiled with warnings."; } options.log(time + "webpack: " + msg); } } else { options.log(time + "webpack: Compiling..."); } }, handleRangeHeaders: function handleRangeHeaders(content, req, res) { //assumes express API. For other servers, need to add logic to access alternative header APIs res.setHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"); if(req.headers.range) { var ranges = parseRange(content.length, req.headers.range); // unsatisfiable if(-1 == ranges) { res.setHeader("Content-Range", "bytes */" + content.length); res.statusCode = 416; } // valid (syntactically invalid/multiple ranges are treated as a regular response) if(-2 != ranges && ranges.length === 1) { // Content-Range res.statusCode = 206; var length = content.length; res.setHeader( "Content-Range", "bytes " + ranges[0].start + "-" + ranges[0].end + "/" + length ); content = content.slice(ranges[0].start, ranges[0].end + 1); } } return content; }, setFs: function(compiler) { if(typeof compiler.outputPath === "string" && !pathIsAbsolute.posix(compiler.outputPath) && !pathIsAbsolute.win32(compiler.outputPath)) { throw new Error("`output.path` needs to be an absolute path or `/`."); } // store our files in memory var fs; var isMemoryFs = !compiler.compilers && compiler.outputFileSystem instanceof MemoryFileSystem; if(isMemoryFs) { fs = compiler.outputFileSystem; } else { fs = compiler.outputFileSystem = new MemoryFileSystem(); } context.fs = fs; }, compilerDone: function(stats) { // We are now on valid state context.state = true; context.webpackStats = stats; // Do the stuff in nextTick, because bundle may be invalidated // if a change happened while compiling process.nextTick(function() { // check if still in valid state if(!context.state) return; // print webpack output context.options.reporter({ state: true, stats: stats, options: context.options }); // execute callback that are delayed var cbs = context.callbacks; context.callbacks = []; cbs.forEach(function continueBecauseBundleAvailable(cb) { cb(stats); }); }); // In lazy mode, we may issue another rebuild if(context.forceRebuild) { context.forceRebuild = false; share.rebuild(); } }, compilerInvalid: function() { if(context.state && (!context.options.noInfo && !context.options.quiet)) context.options.reporter({ state: false, options: context.options }); // We are now in invalid state context.state = false; //resolve async if(arguments.length === 2 && typeof arguments[1] === "function") { var callback = arguments[1]; callback(); } }, ready: function ready(fn, req) { var options = context.options; if(context.state) return fn(context.webpackStats); if(!options.noInfo && !options.quiet) options.log("webpack: wait until bundle finished: " + (req.url ||; context.callbacks.push(fn); }, startWatch: function() { var options = context.options; var compiler = context.compiler; // start watching if(!options.lazy) { var watching =, share.handleCompilerCallback); context.watching = watching; } else { context.state = true; } }, rebuild: function rebuild() { if(context.state) { context.state = false;; } else { context.forceRebuild = true; } }, handleCompilerCallback: function(err) { if(err) { context.options.error(err.stack || err); if(err.details) context.options.error(err.details); } }, handleRequest: function(filename, processRequest, req) { // in lazy mode, rebuild on bundle request if(context.options.lazy && (!context.options.filename || context.options.filename.test(filename))) share.rebuild(); if(HASH_REGEXP.test(filename)) { try { if(context.fs.statSync(filename).isFile()) { processRequest(); return; } } catch(e) { } } share.ready(processRequest, req); }, waitUntilValid: function(callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; share.ready(callback, {}); }, invalidate: function(callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; if(context.watching) { share.ready(callback, {}); context.watching.invalidate(); } else { callback(); } }, close: function(callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; if(context.watching) context.watching.close(callback); else callback(); } }; share.setOptions(context.options); share.setFs(context.compiler); context.compiler.plugin("done", share.compilerDone); context.compiler.plugin("invalid", share.compilerInvalid); context.compiler.plugin("watch-run", share.compilerInvalid); context.compiler.plugin("run", share.compilerInvalid); share.startWatch(); return share; };