"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _os = _interopRequireDefault(require("os")); var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path")); var _cloneDeep = _interopRequireDefault(require("clone-deep")); var _proxyCustomImporters = _interopRequireDefault(require("./proxyCustomImporters")); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function isProductionLikeMode(loaderContext) { return loaderContext.mode === 'production' || !loaderContext.mode || loaderContext.minimize; } /** * Derives the sass options from the loader context and normalizes its values with sane defaults. * * Please note: If loaderContext.query is an options object, it will be re-used across multiple invocations. * That's why we must not modify the object directly. * * @param {LoaderContext} loaderContext * @param {string} loaderOptions * @param {object} content * @returns {Object} */ function getSassOptions(loaderContext, loaderOptions, content) { const options = (0, _cloneDeep.default)(loaderOptions); const { resourcePath } = loaderContext; // allow opt.functions to be configured WRT loaderContext if (typeof options.functions === 'function') { options.functions = options.functions(loaderContext); } let { data } = options; if (typeof options.data === 'function') { data = options.data(loaderContext); } options.data = data ? data + _os.default.EOL + content : content; // opt.outputStyle if (!options.outputStyle && isProductionLikeMode(loaderContext)) { options.outputStyle = 'compressed'; } // opt.sourceMap // Not using the `this.sourceMap` flag because css source maps are different // @see https://github.com/webpack/css-loader/pull/40 if (options.sourceMap) { // Deliberately overriding the sourceMap option here. // node-sass won't produce source maps if the data option is used and options.sourceMap is not a string. // In case it is a string, options.sourceMap should be a path where the source map is written. // But since we're using the data option, the source map will not actually be written, but // all paths in sourceMap.sources will be relative to that path. // Pretty complicated... :( options.sourceMap = _path.default.join(process.cwd(), '/sass.map'); if ('sourceMapRoot' in options === false) { options.sourceMapRoot = process.cwd(); } if ('omitSourceMapUrl' in options === false) { // The source map url doesn't make sense because we don't know the output path // The css-loader will handle that for us options.omitSourceMapUrl = true; } if ('sourceMapContents' in options === false) { // If sourceMapContents option is not set, set it to true otherwise maps will be empty/null // when exported by webpack-extract-text-plugin. options.sourceMapContents = true; } } // indentedSyntax is a boolean flag. const ext = _path.default.extname(resourcePath); // If we are compiling sass and indentedSyntax isn't set, automatically set it. if (ext && ext.toLowerCase() === '.sass' && 'indentedSyntax' in options === false) { options.indentedSyntax = true; } else { options.indentedSyntax = Boolean(options.indentedSyntax); } // Allow passing custom importers to `node-sass`. Accepts `Function` or an array of `Function`s. options.importer = options.importer ? (0, _proxyCustomImporters.default)(options.importer, resourcePath) : []; // `node-sass` uses `includePaths` to resolve `@import` paths. Append the currently processed file. options.includePaths = options.includePaths || []; options.includePaths.push(_path.default.dirname(resourcePath)); return options; } var _default = getSassOptions; exports.default = _default;