function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); } var _require = require('@babel/helper-module-imports'), addSideEffect = _require.addSideEffect, addDefault = _require.addDefault; var resolve = require('path').resolve; var isExist = require('fs').existsSync; var cache = {}; var cachePath = {}; var importAll = {}; module.exports = function core(defaultLibraryName) { return function (_ref) { var types = _ref.types; var specified; var libraryObjs; var selectedMethods; var moduleArr; function parseName(_str, camel2Dash) { if (!camel2Dash) { return _str; } var str = _str[0].toLowerCase() + _str.substr(1); return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function ($1) { return "-".concat($1.toLowerCase()); }); } function importMethod(methodName, file, opts) { if (!selectedMethods[methodName]) { var options; var path; if (Array.isArray(opts)) { options = opts.find(function (option) { return moduleArr[methodName] === option.libraryName || libraryObjs[methodName] === option.libraryName; }); // eslint-disable-line } options = options || opts; var _options = options, _options$libDir = _options.libDir, libDir = _options$libDir === void 0 ? 'lib' : _options$libDir, _options$libraryName = _options.libraryName, libraryName = _options$libraryName === void 0 ? defaultLibraryName : _options$libraryName, _options$style =, style = _options$style === void 0 ? true : _options$style, styleLibrary = _options.styleLibrary, _options$root = _options.root, root = _options$root === void 0 ? '' : _options$root, _options$camel2Dash = _options.camel2Dash, camel2Dash = _options$camel2Dash === void 0 ? true : _options$camel2Dash; var styleLibraryName = options.styleLibraryName; var _root = root; var isBaseStyle = true; var modulePathTpl; var styleRoot; var mixin = false; var ext = options.ext || '.css'; if (root) { _root = "/".concat(root); } if (libraryObjs[methodName]) { path = "".concat(libraryName, "/").concat(libDir).concat(_root); if (!_root) { importAll[path] = true; } } else { path = "".concat(libraryName, "/").concat(libDir, "/").concat(parseName(methodName, camel2Dash)); } var _path = path; selectedMethods[methodName] = addDefault(file.path, path, { nameHint: methodName }); if (styleLibrary && _typeof(styleLibrary) === 'object') { styleLibraryName =; isBaseStyle = styleLibrary.base; modulePathTpl = styleLibrary.path; mixin = styleLibrary.mixin; styleRoot = styleLibrary.root; } if (styleLibraryName) { if (!cachePath[libraryName]) { var themeName = styleLibraryName.replace(/^~/, ''); cachePath[libraryName] = styleLibraryName.indexOf('~') === 0 ? resolve(process.cwd(), themeName) : "".concat(libraryName, "/").concat(libDir, "/").concat(themeName); } if (libraryObjs[methodName]) { /* istanbul ingore next */ if (cache[libraryName] === 2) { throw Error('[babel-plugin-component] If you are using both' + 'on-demand and importing all, make sure to invoke the' + ' importing all first.'); } if (styleRoot) { path = "".concat(cachePath[libraryName]).concat(styleRoot).concat(ext); } else { path = "".concat(cachePath[libraryName]).concat(_root || '/index').concat(ext); } cache[libraryName] = 1; } else { if (cache[libraryName] !== 1) { /* if set styleLibrary.path(format: [module]/module.css) */ var parsedMethodName = parseName(methodName, camel2Dash); if (modulePathTpl) { var modulePath = modulePathTpl.replace(/\[module]/ig, parsedMethodName); path = "".concat(cachePath[libraryName], "/").concat(modulePath); } else { path = "".concat(cachePath[libraryName], "/").concat(parsedMethodName).concat(ext); } if (mixin && !isExist(path)) { path = style === true ? "".concat(_path, "/style").concat(ext) : "".concat(_path, "/").concat(style); } if (isBaseStyle) { addSideEffect(file.path, "".concat(cachePath[libraryName], "/base").concat(ext)); } cache[libraryName] = 2; } } addDefault(file.path, path, { nameHint: methodName }); } else { if (style === true) { addSideEffect(file.path, "".concat(path, "/style").concat(ext)); } else if (style) { addSideEffect(file.path, "".concat(path, "/").concat(style)); } } } return selectedMethods[methodName]; } function buildExpressionHandler(node, props, path, state) { var file = path && path.hub && path.hub.file || state && state.file; props.forEach(function (prop) { if (!types.isIdentifier(node[prop])) return; if (specified[node[prop].name]) { node[prop] = importMethod(node[prop].name, file, state.opts); // eslint-disable-line } }); } function buildDeclaratorHandler(node, prop, path, state) { var file = path && path.hub && path.hub.file || state && state.file; if (!types.isIdentifier(node[prop])) return; if (specified[node[prop].name]) { node[prop] = importMethod(node[prop].name, file, state.opts); // eslint-disable-line } } return { visitor: { Program: function Program() { specified = Object.create(null); libraryObjs = Object.create(null); selectedMethods = Object.create(null); moduleArr = Object.create(null); }, ImportDeclaration: function ImportDeclaration(path, _ref2) { var opts = _ref2.opts; var node = path.node; var value = node.source.value; var result = {}; if (Array.isArray(opts)) { result = opts.find(function (option) { return option.libraryName === value; }) || {}; } var libraryName = result.libraryName || opts.libraryName || defaultLibraryName; if (value === libraryName) { node.specifiers.forEach(function (spec) { if (types.isImportSpecifier(spec)) { specified[] =; moduleArr[] = value; } else { libraryObjs[] = value; } }); if (!importAll[value]) { path.remove(); } } }, CallExpression: function CallExpression(path, state) { var node = path.node; var file = path && path.hub && path.hub.file || state && state.file; var name =; if (types.isIdentifier(node.callee)) { if (specified[name]) { node.callee = importMethod(specified[name], file, state.opts); } } else { node.arguments = (arg) { var argName =; if (specified[argName]) { return importMethod(specified[argName], file, state.opts); } else if (libraryObjs[argName]) { return importMethod(argName, file, state.opts); } return arg; }); } }, MemberExpression: function MemberExpression(path, state) { var node = path.node; var file = path && path.hub && path.hub.file || state && state.file; if (libraryObjs[] || specified[]) { node.object = importMethod(, file, state.opts); } }, AssignmentExpression: function AssignmentExpression(path, _ref3) { var opts = _ref3.opts; if (!path.hub) { return; } var node = path.node; var file = path.hub.file; if (node.operator !== '=') return; if (libraryObjs[] || specified[]) { node.right = importMethod(, file, opts); } }, ArrayExpression: function ArrayExpression(path, _ref4) { var opts = _ref4.opts; if (!path.hub) { return; } var elements = path.node.elements; var file = path.hub.file; elements.forEach(function (item, key) { if (item && (libraryObjs[] || specified[])) { elements[key] = importMethod(, file, opts); } }); }, Property: function Property(path, state) { var node = path.node; buildDeclaratorHandler(node, 'value', path, state); }, VariableDeclarator: function VariableDeclarator(path, state) { var node = path.node; buildDeclaratorHandler(node, 'init', path, state); }, LogicalExpression: function LogicalExpression(path, state) { var node = path.node; buildExpressionHandler(node, ['left', 'right'], path, state); }, ConditionalExpression: function ConditionalExpression(path, state) { var node = path.node; buildExpressionHandler(node, ['test', 'consequent', 'alternate'], path, state); }, IfStatement: function IfStatement(path, state) { var node = path.node; buildExpressionHandler(node, ['test'], path, state); buildExpressionHandler(node.test, ['left', 'right'], path, state); } } }; }; };